The 5 Basics of Executing an Effective Programmatic Campaign

Person holding phone

Programmatic marketing is an effective way of keeping up with the ever-growing digital climate, reaching highly targeted users online whilst they browse on their devices. Most marketing agencies will tend to include programmatic as part of their strategy, so when looking for a digital marketing apprenticeship it’s good practice to expect programmatic marketing will be included.

So, what is programmatic?

Programmatic marketing is the automated buying of digital media placements online, the placements being purchased through a bidding process, similar to auctioning where the highest bid wins. Campaigns can quickly be optimised or altered, making them a versatile channel. Depending on the DSP (demand side platform) being used to run the campaign, there is likely to be a plethora of third-party data available to tap into, allowing the chosen audience to be highly targeted. Data partnerships can often be integrated into the trading platform to bring in first and second party data which is more valuable than third party data as it isn’t stitched together from multiple sources.

The 5 Basics…

Target audience

Due to the wealth of data available to us online, it’s important we are targeting the users correctly. One way to get a better understanding of target audience is through audience segmentation. This involves refining your audience down to different demographics, online behaviors, interests, location etc. For example, if we were running a campaign for a company that sold women’s perfume, our main target audience could be briefed in as vague as those interested in perfume. At a top level, this can be done through browsing behavior data, targeting those who have historically searched for perfumes online.
However, we can do more with that to ensure each audience subset is targeted relevantly. Segmenting by demographic will allow us to target users with content relevant precisely. A female under the age of 25 is likely browsing for a different perfume to men over the age of 40.
Breaking down further by interests & browsing behavior will allow us to target users who are looking for a perfume for a specific occasion. For example, we could target those who are looking for a day-today perfume to wear, as well as those who are looking for a specific perfume to wear or an occasion. With this in mind, audience segmentation is a great too for reaching the target audience with highly relevant content, making them more likely to engage with the ads which in turn will help to push sales.

Engaging Creatives

In order to ensure users interact with the creatives, it’s important that the content shared is engaging and offers just enough information to push them to click on the ad. Creatives should be concise, not displaying too many products per ad. Due to the majority of traffic driven through programmatic ads being on mobile, the ad formats often run quite small meaning an overcrowded creative can result in key wording and call-to-actions becoming compromised.
The key to a successful creative is to ensure just enough information is shared, including the brand name, the CTA, the image of the SKU, and if relevant the T’s & C’s. To draw upon the previous point of audience segmentation, different creatives can also be pushed to each subset of the audience, in turn increasing the relevancy of the ad for the specific user.


As mentioned, there is a weather of data available online which can be utilised within the audience targeting. Despite this, not all data is created the same and some types of data is more valuable than others. Where possible, it’s best to aim to tap into first and second party data, although there are often restraints here when there isn’t a data partnership in place. So what are the different types of data?
First party data is the most valuable type of data. Acquired by a company directly from the source. This data can be collected from various different places but is often from email sign ups, purchase data and site activity.
Second party data is first party data that has been shared with an outside source. While still valuable, due to it being shared externally the data owner has a right not to disclose all data meaning there can be gaps in what is shared. Despite this, second party data is still a great option to utilise as you are still able to access data which is close to the source. Second party data can be acquired through a data partnership. This means that you have been allowed access to a company’s data often in return for the company collecting the data’s monetary value.
Third party data is data that has been collated from multiple sources and stitched together. This data type is most readily available within the majority of DSP’s and allow you to easily target your preferred audience. Unfortunately, due to being collected from a range of different sources, third party data is often the least valuable type of data. Despite this, the data is still useful to include in campaign where first party data or data partnerships are not in place.

In-App & Sites

When running a programmatic campaign, it’s important to disclose exactly what programmatic is to the client and that your ad will be shown to the target audience wherever they are browsing. For example, a client can be surprised to find their ad was showing on a gaming site when they were promoting a perfume SKU, but you should be able to explain that these campaigns are most often targeted on an audience basis.
Programmatic campaigns can be pushed to a specific whitelist of sites that the client sees relevant to their products, although this can often jeopardise the performance of the campaign when it is over laid with audience targeting too, becoming too granular to serve any ads. This should be voiced with the client before hand and their expectations should be followed as closely as possible.
Overlaying brand-safety targeting is always good practice when running a programmatic campaign. This will blacklist sites & content deemed as inappropriate so that your ads do not run against them.


With the right tools in place, you will be able to provide an in-depth report on the campaigns performance. Being able to understand each of the topline metrics available will help to create a story of the campaign performance which can be shared with the client.
Impressions will show you exactly how many users you have been able to reach with your ad.
show the number of times a user has engaged with the ad and clicked on it.
CTR (clickthrough rate)
is a useful metric as it shows the percentage of impressions that resulted in a click. A high CTR suggests that the content was well targeted as the audience engaged with it.
The final CPM achieved at the end of the campaign shows the average amount spent per 1,000 impressions. In this case, a lower CPM than planned shows you were able to reach a higher number of users and were able to achieve efficiencies. A higher CPM than planned suggests that the campaign under delivered and it did not serve out the planned impressions in full.
Though just the top line metrics have been highlighted here, there is a wealth of reporting that can be done on a campaign. Have any additional interests? Trying to pull a campaign report for yourself to discover what metrics you can utilise to report on!

To summarise..

If these 5 basics are kept in mind when executing a programmatic campaign, you’re on track to success. Attention to detail is key to ensure effective delivery of a campaign, so being thorough is a good quality to adopt.
Any additional questions? Feel free to reach out to use via email and we will endeavor to respond to all your apprenticeship or industry queries!

The Power of Social Media Marketing for Apprentices: Why It’s an Essential Skill to Master

Level 3 Apprenticeship Unleashing Your Creativity The Benefits of an Advanced and Creative Hair Professional Level 3 Apprenticeship

In today’s digitally connected world, social media marketing has become a must-have skill for professionals across various industries. For apprentices looking to develop their careers and stand out in a competitive job market, mastering social media marketing can provide significant advantages. In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons why social media marketing is a powerful skill for apprentices and how it can help them succeed in their chosen fields.


Enhancing Personal Branding and Networking Opportunities

As an apprentice, establishing a strong personal brand is crucial for attracting potential employers, clients, or business partners. Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills, knowledge, and personality. By actively engaging with others in your industry, sharing relevant content, and building a professional online presence, you can increase your visibility and expand your network, which can lead to new opportunities and connections.

Keeping Up with Industry Trends and News

Staying updated on the latest trends, news, and developments in your industry is essential for personal and professional growth. Social media platforms are a treasure trove of real-time information, with industry experts, influencers, and organizations sharing valuable insights and updates. As an apprentice, regularly engaging with social media can help you stay informed and aware of the latest advancements, enabling you to adapt and thrive in a constantly evolving professional landscape. This knowledge not only sets you apart from your peers but also equips you with the information needed to make informed decisions and contribute meaningfully to conversations within your field.

Demonstrating Adaptability and Digital Savvy

In an increasingly digital world, employers value professionals who are adaptable and possess a strong understanding of digital tools and trends. By mastering social media marketing, apprentices demonstrate their digital savvy and willingness to adapt to new technologies. This skill set can make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers and help you stand out among other applicants.

Complementing Traditional Marketing Strategies

Social media marketing can be a powerful addition to traditional marketing strategies, providing apprentices with a well-rounded understanding of both online and offline marketing techniques. This comprehensive knowledge is beneficial when working with clients or employers who require a versatile approach to promoting their products or services. Additionally, social media marketing skills can help apprentices identify creative and innovative ways to integrate online and offline campaigns, maximizing their impact and reach.

Future-Proofing Your Career

As social media continues to grow and evolve, its importance in the business world is only set to increase. By developing social media marketing skills as an apprentice, you are effectively future-proofing your career. Regardless of the industry you choose to work in, the ability to create engaging content, analyze data, and leverage the power of social media will remain a valuable asset in the years to come. By staying ahead of the curve and continuously honing your social media marketing skills, you can ensure that your professional development remains relevant and adaptive to the shifting digital landscape.


Social media marketing is undoubtedly a powerful skill that apprentices should strive to acquire and refine. By mastering this skill, apprentices can enhance their personal branding, expand their professional network, stay informed about industry trends, complement traditional marketing strategies, and future-proof their careers. In an ever-evolving digital world, the ability to harness the power of social media will be an invaluable asset, setting apprentices on a path to success in their chosen fields.

More Information on Digital Marketing for Apprentices standards

Check out our other Article on The Benefits of an Advanced and Creative Hair Professional Level 3 Apprenticeship here

A guide to the End Point Assessment for your Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship

Are you starting or currently undertaking a Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship? Unsure how the End-Point Assessment works? Look no further!


Once you have completed your training and passed your Level 3 Marketing Principles Certification, Level 3 Principles of Coding Certification and Google Analytics Individual Qualification, you are ready to start your End-Point Assessment (EPA).

The EPA takes place in the final few months of your apprenticeship, using four assessment methods:

PortfolioEmployer Reference
This will be an accumulation of everything you have accomplished in your job so far. A chance to show the knowledge and competency you have gained through the apprenticeship and how you apply this in your work. Your real work project overviews will include performance reports, customer service and feedback.Your line manager will provide some information on how they think you are performing at work and the progression you have made. This will include how you apply your knowledge and behaviours whilst undertaking tasks within your role.
Synoptic ProjectInterview
You will be given a pre-defined project set to show a selection of your knowledge, skills and behaviours. You will be given 4 days to complete this task. This is a chance to show you are consistent in your work and that you have an understanding of specific digital marketing areas that may not be included in your day-to-day role but you have learnt in the apprenticeship.This is an opportunity to gather any other information or evidence to support your knowledge and competency shown in your Portfolio and Synoptic Project. This allows you to expand and define your work to the assessor, this will include your EPA work and workplace tasks.

The EPA gives the assessor a cumulative overview of your performance against the specified standards, allowing them to make a judgement on if you have met or exceeded the standards. Using a variety of assessment methods ensures that the assessment of your work is a reflection of your performance and the quality of the work you produce for your company using the skills and knowledge you have gained whilst undertaking this apprenticeship.

Grading and Results

Following the completion of your End Point Assessment, the grading will take place by an independent assessor. Who will accumulate your submitted work before the interview and will partially assess. The interview will allow the assessor to explore your portfolio and synoptic project in more detail, validate and test your knowledge. After the interview the assessor will come to a final conclusion for your grade. You will be awarded with a single grade of; Pass, Merit or Distinction.

The criteria that the assessment and grading is made from is the below 3 points:

  • The What: What you have shown you are able to do
  • The How: How your work has been carried out
  • The With Whom: Who you have worked with, the internal and external work relationships you have built

If you have met the minimum expected criteria you will be awarded a Pass. To receive a Merit your work must have a number of dimensions that shows you work significantly above the minimum criteria. For a Distinction grade, the quality of all your work must be significantly above the minimum criteria.


In conclusion, if you are thinking about undertaking a Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship or have already started, your EPA will happen in the end months of your apprenticeship once you have passed the required exams. You will be focusing on your knowledge, competency and behaviours, aiming to be significantly above the expected criteria to gain a Pass, Merit or Distinction. If you want to find out more information about the different stages of the Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship, please take a look at the blogs section of Apprentice Tips.

This is a great apprenticeship to undertake, it provides you with all the skills and knowledge you need to excel in your role and career as long as you apply yourself. Please be mindful that each apprenticeship will be based upon how the company your work is ran, you may not always be placed in the department you wish for but you may have the option to rotate. Make sure to research which company and apprenticeship would work best for you. Good luck and enjoy!

Level 2 Maritime Mechanical and Electrical Mechanic Apprenticeship

Are you wanting a future career in the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy? Are you looking to be an Engineer? If so, read on to find out how the Level 2 Maritime Mechanical and Electrical Mechanic Apprenticeship could help start a new career.

Two Navy Engineers working together to carry out a task.

Job Role

Maritime mechanical and electrical mechanic’s work will be undertaking the testing, fault diagnosis and maintenance of electrical, mechanical and fluid power equipment on ships and submarines.

In your apprenticeship you will learn how to test common and specialist equipment and hand/machine tools by using of a range of measuring and diagnostic equipment to check the performance of the equipment and tools meet the required specification. You will understand and comply with statutory regulations and safety requirements.

Your daily tasks will include checking all machinery to ensure the ship remains operational. To do so, you will learn to maintain and operate technical equipment and fully understand a variety of advanced mechanical systems. The role will entail working individually and as part of a team, supporting the Chief Engineer in the maintenance and fault diagnosis of all the ships machinery and systems. You will be responsible for the quality and accuracy of your work.

Skills/Knowledge you will gain:

  1. Understand mathematical calculations and Engineering data/drawings appropriate to your role.
  2. Electrical, mechanical, pneumatic and fluid power engineering technology and principles.
  3. Know the basic operation and maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment and systems used on board vessels.
  4. Understand the types/uses and the maintenance of electrical and mechanical hand tools and test equipment.
  5. Learn how to use electrical and mechanical hand tools and test equipment
  6. Undertake testing and maintenance on components, equipment and systems, making adjustments where applicable.
  7. Entry procedures and precautions for confined spaces.
  8. Understand and comply with health and safety regulations.

Behaviours Needed

There are certain behaviours that are expected of employees by Engineering organisations. This is in order for the employee to be successful in their role and meet the company objectives. The expected behaviours are:

  • Be able to follow Health, Safety and Environment practices
  • Having a strong work ethic
  • Being a dependable employee and taking responsibility of duties
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Be able to work effectively within a team and respectful of colleagues
  • Effective in every kind of communication
  • Be honest and have integrity
  • Be self-motivated
  • Able to make personal commitment and comply with the rules
A Navy Engineer soldering to repair a small electrical issue.

Entry Requirements

Individual employers will set the selection criteria for their apprenticeships.

Apprentices without Level 1 English and Maths will need to achieve this level and Apprentices without Level 2 English and Maths will need to take the tests for this level prior to taking the end-point assessment.

Duration of Apprenticeship

Typically 18 to 24 months including EPA period. To learn more about the EPA please see the linked PDF.

Typical Job Options

Maritime mechanical and electrical mechanic will typically work in either the Royal Navy as a Marine Engineer or Weapons Engineer, or the Royal Fleet Auxiliary or Merchant Navy as a Motorman. 


If you are wanting to pursue a career in the Navy or become an Engineer, Level 2 Maritime Mechanical and Electrical Mechanic Apprenticeship is a great way to start your journey. With this apprenticeship you have the opportunity to earn while you learn and open many doors for progression in your career. You will be working with likeminded people, who can offer you advise and support you with your career.

The engineering knowledge and skills used in the role can be transferred to other entry level engineering roles in other industries. You may even wish to take the next step and commence with Level 3 in Mechanical and Electrical Maritime Fitter.

For any questions you may have regarding this apprenticeship or any others you may have seen, please contact us via email at [email protected]. Alternatively follow our social media for more updates, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Top tips for your Web Content as a Digital Marketer

Man in Striped Long Sleeve Shirt Sitting on Table Using Laptop writing web content with logo in bottom right

Having trouble with your web content? As a Digital Marketer your web content should be the cornerstone of your output. As a result of this it is crucial that what goes on your website is to a high standard and above all engaging!

No matter what Content Management System (CMS) you use whether it is WordPress, Joomla or Jadu, this article will help provide an easy-to-follow web content framework for you.

Aims of Web Content

Before you post anything on your website it is important to identify what the aims and objectives are for that web content. This should have been agreed in a marketing plan or campaign plan during the planning stage of a project/campaign. An example of this could be: To provide information on apprenticeships in the UK to help grow the business.

All content should work together to help reach the agreed goal, in other words don’t just post for the sake of posting but upload content that is engaging, original and targeted.

Having a content/project managing plan is helpful to ensure what you are posting matches the aims.

User Experience

Now you know why you are posting; the next step is thinking how you are posting. You will have heard the phrase ‘customer is king’, this applies to web content too! If the user doesn’t find what you are posting easy to read, engaging and original it is unlucky they will return to your site or content in the future. Using the Yoast plugin’s readability function can help with ensuring your content is of the highest quality and what you may need to improve it. If text is too long and confusing then it may need simplifying, think to yourself can I say this in less words?

You need to ensure all links within your content are up-to-date and working because if someone is sent off your site to the wrong place, they might not find your content trustworthy or could not return. Using website monitoring tools such as SilkTide and Monsido run regular scans of your site’s content and provide reports on spelling mistakes, grammar issues and broken links.

Accessibility within your Web Content

When posting anything to your website you need to take everyone into consideration. As a result of this you provide yourself the biggest possible user base. When including links into your content make sure it is within the text and makes sense instead of just having a ‘click here’ link, as these can cause an issue for those using screen readers on your site. Similarly, if an image has been used Alt-text should be applied to it. Alt-text allows for an image to be described to someone who is using a screen reader on your site, so this will allow them to engage with your content the way you intended.

"Designers should always keep their users in mind" on laptop screen

SEO Optimisation

The next step is to ensure your web content can be found. There is little point to posting content no one is going to see; this is where SEO comes in. You will need to do some keyword research and decide what search terms you want to be found for. Using tools like Google Trends can help you decide if you want to target a highly competitive keyword which will be harder to be found for or a less competitive keyword which will have a lower possible user base.  Now you know your keyword you want all the content you post to be SEO Optimised. Using Yoast plugin will help you track how optimised your content is.

Key factors in SEO Optimisation include:

  • Keyword Density
  • Meta Description length
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Internal and External Links
  • Content length

Success of your Web Content

You’ve posted your engaging, optimised and accessible now what? The next stage is to track the success of your web content. The most popular tool used by digital marketers is Google Analytics, this is because Google is the most used search engine, this is what you want to be ranked on.

Google Analytics provides a wide variety of data such as:

  • Unique Page View
  • Time on Page
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will have been agreed in a marketing plan and these will provide the framework for what you are tracking. An example of a KPI for web content could be: Increase our average page views each month by 20%, this can be achieved with SEO optimising the posts and increasing the rankings.


These tips should help you on your way to posting engaging, optimised and accessible content, to meet those aims! If you would like to know more about any of the topics mentioned within this article, please find out more on our website.  

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Kickstart your career with a Level 4 Vehicle Damage Assessor Apprenticeship

Do you want to gain a higher level of education and have a full-time job in a vehicle garage? Could you see yourself as an individual that wants to fix vehicle damage in a motoring apprenticeship? If your answer is yes, this could be the apprenticeship to kickstart your career, working on vehicle damage repair as a level 4 Vehicle Damage Assessor. 

With the use of the latest electronic estimating systems, you can provide customers a first-class service. You will assist in making assessments on what repairs are needed and how much it will cost for customer vehicle damages. 

The role of a Vehicle Damage assessor apprentice

Working within the automotive body shop industry as a vehicle damage assessor you will accurately inspect and assess all elements of a motor vehicle that has sustained damage and requires repair. During the course of your apprenticeship, you will gain everything you need to become an advanced Vehicle Damage assessor.

The course will involve studying a range of theory and practical tasks that you will need in today’s automotive repair industry. You will be employed by industry-leading professionals that will help you to acquire valuable skills and experience including an excellent training provider to guide and assist you through your apprenticeship course. 

Vehicle Damage Assessor Apprentice Knowledge

Health and Safety

In the workplace, you will be expected to carry out and understand all vehicle safety systems. You will also gain a good understanding of the current Health & Safety legislation during your apprenticeship.

Tools and Equipment 

During your apprenticeship, you will learn how to use the tools and equipment used in given processes including the use of electronic costings systems. You will also have an understanding of vehicle construction and the materials needed to carry out a damage repair.

Day to Day Duties

  • To be able to apply the importance of teamwork in the workplace
  • Communicating effectively in the workplace 
  • Have knowledge of the systems and operations which cover steering, suspension and braking
  • Learn about Transmission and drivelines
  • Have knowledge of the principles of electrical systems 
  • Ability to show a clear understanding of electricals and the use of electronic components 
  • Keep up to date with vehicle repair technologies including Paint, Panel and MET.
  • Have a good understanding of commercial aspects of a body shop
  • Know how to produce a job card
  • Tend to non-accidental related vehicle damage
  • Get to know how to carry out industry vehicle repair methods.
vehicle damage

Desired Skills for the job

You will be able to:

  • Recognise properties of different types of vehicle damage
  • Maintain records
  • Use manual and digital image technology
  • Locate vehicle unique identification details
  • Diagnose safety faults on vehicles
  • Read, adhere to and apply relevant legislation
  • Use repair methods
  • Make judgements on vehicle damage, taking into account safety and cost
  • Commercial decision making
  • Prepare costings based on parts and labour ratios
  • Oral communication, listening and negotiation skills
  • Use industry guidelines appropriately
  • Recognise the importance of gaining approval before work commences
  • Use of estimating software, spreadsheets, online databases

Level 4 vehicle Damage Assessor apprenticeship key behaviours 

As a vehicle damage assessor you will be expected to demonstrate the following:

  • Being Customer-focused, always putting the customer first.
  • Have a right-first-time approach to tasks, showing you are committed to delivering and maintaining high-quality workplace standards.
  • Present a calm and reasoned approach to any situation.
  • Be able to deliver a professional approach, demonstrating integrity and confidence in daily activities.
  • Adherence to company values, showing passion and enthusiasm for the industry.
  • The ability to take responsibility for health and safety is imperative.
  • Have good attention to detail.

What requirements do I need as a Vehicle Damage assessor? 

All apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the End-Point Assessment.

Please note that we would accept holders of the British Sign Language (BSL) qualification if it is your primary language.

Working Hours

Monday – Friday between 8:00 – 5:00pm

You will be required to be employed for 40 hours a week for a duration of 36 months. This does not include your End Of Point Assessment (EPA) period.

Additional Details 

  • Maximum Government funding – £9000
  • Occupational Level – Level 4 
  • EQA Provider – Ofqual 
  • Level 4 equivalent – Foundation degree 
  • Earliest start date – 18/04/2019
  • 1 position available


In summary, the level 4 Vehicle damage assessor apprenticeship offers a great opportunity for those who want to learn to develop themselves in an automotive career path. Whilst gaining experience and life skills in the workplace you will also receive a level 4 qualification in the field which you can take with you on your career journey. The automotive industry is ever growing with employment at around 200,000 so why not earn while you learn and kick start your career today!

Want to learn more about the apprenticeships we currently offer or know someone our roles may benefit from? Take a look at our most recent available roles:

Level 3 Utilities Engineering Technician Apprenticeship
Level 2 Textile Manufacturing Operative Apprenticeship
Level 7 Systems Engineer Apprenticeship 
Level 3 Manufacturing Technician Apprenticeship 
Level 6 Rail and Rail Systems Senior Engineer Apprenticeship

Don’t forget to follow us on Linkedin and Twitter to keep up to date with the latest job opportunities!

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Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Operator – Level 2 Apprenticeship

Non destructive testing operator surveying large metal pipe for quality check

Step into the world of science-based engineering with the Non-Destructive Testing Operator Apprenticeship. If you’re looking to start a career in some of the biggest industries in the world such as Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Energy, Power, Nuclear, and Transport, look no further as NDT qualifications can provide you with opportunities for all of the above. Read on to find out if the Non-Destructive Testing Operator Apprenticeship is the right fit for you.

Job Opportunities and Entry Criteria

Non-Destructive Testing Apprenticeships can provide a vast array of opportunities to kick start you into a well-paying career. Some of these include training in the product technology industry sector, education into NDT methods, and working as part of a team with workers at a similar level to yourself and of a superior level, allowing you to make contacts within the industry and potentially progress within the ranks

Entry level salaries after the completion of an apprenticeship usually start at around £26,000 and can go up to anything from £55,000 a year for experienced engineer level employees. If that isn’t enough to get you interested, some big organisations involved in creating the standard for the Non-Destructive Testing Operator were The British Institute of NDT, and Rolls Royce, meaning that popular companies similar to these organisations are sure to have a need for hiring NDT Operators.

Non-destructive testing operator surveying plane engine parts to ensure they are quality checked before being installed

Apprenticeship Entry Requirements

There are no educational entry requirements for this role, however you will need to achieve a level 1 in English and Maths in a level 2 English and maths test prior to taking the end-point assessment when completing the apprenticeship if you have not already achieved this through GCSEs. You will also be required to pass the NDT eyesight test, meaning you should have good, aided eyesight or good unaided eyesight for health and safety reasons. Adequate physical fitness is also beneficial for this role.

Daily duties and Primary responsibilities

On a day-to-day basis an NDT Operator Apprentice can expect to take part in some of the following tasks:

  • Inspection of materials, welding, and other product components or items using one NDT method
  • Report defects on the external surface of a test item or component
  • Visually assess and inspect products
  • Refer inspection results to a more qualified member of staff
  • Training and safe use of equipment used for inspections and assessments
  • Being forthcoming to your supervisor when raising concerns over the frequency of a certain type of defect
  • Marking defective areas for other follow up validations and assessments by supervisors or colleagues

Some of the tools you can potentially be expected to learn to use during this apprenticeship can include devices that measure conductivity, resistivity, and corrosion, as well as thickness gauges, flaw detectors, material condition testers, and eddy current instruments.

Testing equipment used by a Non-destructive testing operator

Knowledge and behavioural modules

Some of the key aspects of NDT operating that you will have the opportunity to gain knowledge about are:

  • Health and safety – In regard to Non-Destructive Testing ensuring your safety and the safety of others in the workplace is incredibly important. Your training and understanding will be relevant to the NDT method you will be using based on your training provider.
  • NDT methods – To complete the Level 2 apprenticeship in this area you will be required to understand and action one NDT method, which will be taught to you by your training provider.
  • Identifying defects – During this apprenticeship you will be required to learn and understand how to assess products and identify defects effectively against acceptance/rejection criteria.
  • Sector specific technology – You will be expected to understand and use relevant industry technologies, have knowledge of quality aspects, and working practices, such as induction information and workplace confidentiality protocols.
  • Industry relevant materials – Knowledge of well-used, new, and upcoming materials and product technology within your industry sector is considered extremely beneficial to learn in the Non-Destructive Testing apprenticeship.

Important qualities for Non-Destructive Testing Operators apprenticeship candidates:

  • Ethics – Speak to all colleagues with respect and treat individuals with equality in mind. Discrimination in the workplace is not tolerated and all workers should report anything if they feel they are being treated unfairly.
  • Time Management – All projects, assignments, and duties should consistently be completed in a timely manner and deadlines should be met or an extension should be requested in advance depending on the circumstances.
  • Independence – Be able to work on assignments without assistance from others and having a positive impact on the work environment.
  • Comfortable Working in a Team – Work in a team and support team members by equally contributing to any workload in any given teamwork scenario.
  • Communication Skills – Communicating with senior members of staff and colleagues to ensure work is completed on time and to a high standard, and any issue are raised and resolved.
  • Initiative – Apply knowledge learnt and experience gained throughout your apprenticeship to your daily tasks and use your initiative to raise any issues with senior members of staff.
Non-destructive testing operator apprentice using testing equipment to survey the safety of train tracks


Does the Level 2 Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Operator Apprenticeship sound like the right fit for you? We hope this post has given you an insight into the NDT course and has encouraged you to start your journey in finding the perfect career that is enjoyable and supports you financially. Non-Destructive Testing can open up a vast range of doors within the working world, making it a great choice for if you are yet unsure of what industry you wish to work in and are looking for an apprenticeship that will give you transferrable skills and keep your options open.

If Non-Destructive Testing is not for you but you’re still looking for something at a higher level in the science-based engineering field, why not check out our blog on the Level 6 Manufacturing Engineer Degree Apprenticeship?

At we love to hear all your questions and strive to help as many people interested in apprenticeships as we can, so head over to our Twitter direct messages to ask us for tips personally.

Alternatively, you can follow the ApprenticeTips Twitter or LinkedIn for all the latest updates in apprenticeship developments and information posted in our blog.

How Canva Can Help You Shine As A Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprentice

Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprentice


Learn more about our favourite marketing tool Canva, and how it can help you shine as a Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprentice.

Like many occupations, Digital marketing is, well… Digital. We’re almost certain you’ve seen a plethora of advertisements for various task management services, designed to streamline workflow within a digital environment. Asana, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet are examples of these services. These platforms excel at what they do due to the need of a stable method of communication and task management within a digital organisation.

It’s safe to say, demand for these platforms has increased dramatically in the past 15 months, with the current times having a huge effect on everyone’s working situation. Infact, Microsoft teams alone saw a 50% increase in daily users in the first 6 months of the global pandemic, most likely due to the large percentage of employees working remotely.

Using Canva As A Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprentice

With over 30 million active monthly users, Canva is a well established, industry standard web tool primarily used for content creation and digital marketing strategies. It’s been made even more accessible recently with the addition of a downloadable app version I can access from my desktop and mobile device. 

Used to create social media graphics, presentations, printable documents, animated and other visual content, Canva offers users a platform for marketers to create digital content easily with in-built assistance.

Because of its unrivalled ease of use and low stress, this is a perfect tool for learners, as well as professionals.

What Is Canva Pro?

“It is essential to have good tools, but it also essential that the tools are used in the right way” – Wallace D. Wattles

Digital tools are absolutely vital for a level 3 digital marketing apprentice, and professionals. One of the most popular has unquestionably been Canva Pro, a digital marketing tool used by new and established businesses as an alternative to heavy, expensive software with a much higher skill ceiling.

Canva Pro is the paid-subscription version of Canva, which brings a number of additions at a reasonable price of £99 per year, including:

  • 75+ million premium stock photos, videos, audio and graphics
  • 420,000+ free templates with new designs daily
  • Create 1 Brand Kit and upload your own fonts and logos
  • Unlimited use of Background Remover
  • Resize designs infinitely with Magic Resize
  • Save designs as templates for your team to use
  • 100GB of cloud storage
  • Schedule social media content to 7 platforms
Digital Marketing Apprentice

Top 5 Uses For Canva Pro

75+ million premium stock photos, videos, audio and graphics

Finding the right stock photo for a project can be a time consuming and sometimes pricey investment, however with Canva Pro’s large bank of stock images, you’ll be able to find the perfect image, 100% of the time. By entering simple keywords into the search bar, you can find exactly what you’re looking for all in one location.

Unlimited use of Background Remover

Want to be able to remove an entire background from an image? Well Canva gives you the option to do that with 1 click…pretty good right? Well Canva Pro removes the limit cap on this function, allowing you to remove as many backgrounds as I want!

Upload your own fonts

A disadvantage about the regular Canva compared to Canva Pro, is the inability to upload user fonts. This can be particularly problematic when a client has specifically requested a font for a piece of marketing, ruling Canva out of the question as a resource tool. Canva Pro removes this issue by allowing users to create a Brand Kit, adding logos and fonts to the application without restriction.

Instagram Stories

With 1 billion monthly Instagram users and over 500 million daily story users, engagement has never been more important on the platform. With the sheer amount of traffic, incorporating stories into your strategy is a great way to advertise to consumers, and take up all that screen space. Stories aren’t the easiest thing to design, that’s where Canva comes in. With tons of story templates you’ll be able to harness this digital tool to save me time, and create relevant content.

Content Planner

Exclusive to Canva Pro and Canva Enterprise, introduced in 2021 is the content planner feature. If you’re familiar with content planners such as Buffer and Hootsuite, then this feature needs no explanation. However if you’re not familiar, we will provide an explanation here at ApprenticeTips.

This feature turns Canva from a tool which focuses on content curation, into a platform capable of publishing content directly to social media accounts from the application. By simply linking an account to the right project folder, with a few simple clicks we can add images to a calendar, picking and choosing the dates and times for our freshly created content to be published out to the world wide web. 


If you’re an aspiring or professional digital marketer, I advise this tool over many of the others. It combines versatility with ease of use, removing the stigma that good visual content can’t be achieved without heavy duty software. While Canva is a free to use application, the amount of assists and benefits the Pro Subscription brings will certainly help you shine as an apprentice!

To learn more about the Level 3 Digtial Marketing Apprentice course in its entirety, click this link.

To discover more about Canva Pro, you can visit the website here.

Not what you were looking for? We at ApprenticeTips publish regular blogs about tools and best practices for learners. We also offer training programs and apprenticeships from a huge library of options, including the level 3 digital marketing apprentice.

Be sure to follow our Twitter for instant updates on when our blogs are live, and subscribe to our mailing list for all future updates.

Footwear Manufacturer

Shoe design apprenticeship

If you’re interested in footwear and would love to get involved with a highly respected and skilled trade – this new apprenticeship is one for you. This role includes exciting opportunities available with the likes of sportswear, high-street staples and luxury makers such as New Balance, Dr Martens, Cheaney Shoes and Gaziano & Girling.  


The British footwear manufacturing industry, like Saville Row, supports the pursuit of excellence that embraces innovation and technology. With approximately 30 larger footwear manufactures in the UK and 60 smaller specialist ones, they together make up 5.6 million pairs of footwear that is exported and dotted around on our pavements from one street to another.

An artisanal craft that is greatly rewarding, footwear manufacturers are now looking for apprentices to join their small-scale operations making specialist or bespoke / personalised footwear. Depending on the company, your apprenticeship can have you working all the way up to larger factories with extensive teams and international departments, creating larger runs of footwear that can be exported overseas.

Saville row London

The Role of a Footwear Manufacturer

This Level 2 Apprenticeship teaches everything you need to know about the full end-to-end process on how to manufacture a piece of footwear.

Over the course of 12-15 months, you will learn how to work quickly and accurately use hand tools, technical equipment and machinery. You’ll learn how to follow briefs with specification for different types of footwear and learn how to create a majestic range of shoes with varied timescales and quality standards.

If you have a strong eye for detail and quality with a flare for design – this is one to consider!

Footwear manufacturers will join a team, reporting to Team Leaders, Supervisors or Owners as well as interacting with Production Managers, General Managers, Quality Managers and production colleagues. For those in a smaller team, you will also have possible access to clients and designers

Typical day-to-day duties of a Footwear Manufacturer include:
  • Cutting materials (mainly leather) by hand or by machine/laser
  • Skiving (thinning materials)
  • Closing (sewing the upper part of the footwear)
  • Lasting (forming the footwear)
  • Attaching the sole either cemented or stitched
  • Finishing the footwear
  • Quality inspection and packing to company specification

This falls under the engineering and manufacturing route with maximum funding of £5000.

Close up of footwear process

Core Requirements – Knowledge & Skills

Health, Safety & the Environment

  • Safe working practices to minimise hazards and risks from storing equipment to maintaining work procedures
  • Health & Safety legislation to your area of responsibility for others and the environment
  • Effective use of equipment and safe working methods
  • Hazard and risk identification in the work area

Footwear Construction Process

  • Learning the importance of brand quality standards with attention to detail throughout
  • Understanding footwear construction terminology as well as sizing and variations of production for different product types
  • Gaining insight on materials, machinery and equipment required for each stage of the production process

Footwear Materials Tools & Equipment

  • Understanding the characteristics, properties and behaviour of a variety of materials and components used in footwear construction and their suitable application (such as high quality leather for premium footwear or softer materials for ballet dance shoes)
  • Identification of production problems and correct materials and components
  • Preparation for quality check and reporting faults to upper management
  • Learning advancements of production problems and associated corrective actions
  • Performing routine maintenance to ensure the efficiency of machinery, tools and equipment

Footwear Work Practices

  • Instilling company’s history, policy, brand values towards the customer base and product range
  • Helping run a cost effective workflow, following through on specification and appropriate work instructions to meet customer and company requirements
  • Implementing efficient and effective use of materials by closely following instructions and minimising waste
  • Undertaking processes to consistent speed and quality requirements as outlined by the company
Core Requirements – Behaviours
  • A proactive approach to Health & Safety procedures, personally and towards colleagues
  • Demonstrates a positive mind-set towards maintaining high standards of quality, precision and excellence
  • Self motivated, punctual individual who is flexible with change, new requirements and changing priorities
  • Team player that upholds equality and diversity in the workplace
Learner studying book
Entry Requirements:

Individual employers will set the selection criteria and specify the entry requirements applicable to their work.

Should you be without a Level 1 English and Maths certificate, you will be required to take a test for Level 2 prior to taking the end-point assessment towards the end of your contract.

For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, an Entry Level 3 and British Sign Language qualification will also be allowed.  


There are plenty of training opportunities out there, whether you’re looking to up skill, grow dynamically or kickstart your career in another direction whether it’s design, engineering or marketing based. Feel free to browse our other apprenticeships to see what’s best for you.

More on Engineering and Manufacturing opportunities can be found here.

Want to hear more? Follow along on our Twitter and LinkedIn pages for further tips and guidance.

Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprenticeship

Do you love Boats, building, and repairing? Are you handy with tools, interested in engineering, or looking to change careers altogether? Read on to find out how the Level 3 Boatbuilder apprenticeship could land you your dream job and kick-start a new career!

Key responsibilities of the Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprenticeship

What does a Boatbuilder Apprentice do?

A boatbuilder apprentice builds boats such as yachts, workboats, and superyachts and/or refit and repair existing boats. A variety of different materials such as composites, metals, or wood will be used. A boatbuilder apprentice will learn to work with and understand the capabilities of these materials.

You will learn to read and interpret engineering and technical drawings to produce molds, jigs, plugs, and templates during your boatbuilder apprenticeship. As an apprentice, you will learn to use these to create complex shapes using and variety of measuring equipment, machines, and hand tools. You will be expected to work individually and as part of a team.

You will manufacture and assemble components that form the structure of a boat as well as the interior and exterior as a boatbuilder. A understand and compliance with organisational and statutory safety including sustainability requirements is a must.

During your apprenticeship, you will be responsible for the quality and accuracy of your work. Apprentices should eventually be able to work with minimum supervision, therefore, you must be able to communicate and solve problems well.

During your boatbuilder apprenticeship, you will have the opportunity to work with associated trades such as Marine Engineers, as a result, you will gain a strong understanding of the marine industry.

Upon successful completion of the boatbuilder apprenticeship, you will be multi-skilled and capable of adapting to changing demands. Boats are becoming more complex, and new materials and methods are regularly being introduced. This means throughout your exciting career as a boatbuilder, you will be learning, adapting, and evolving.

This apprenticeship will be recognised by the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) at ‘Engineering Technician’ level on successful completion.

Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprentice working with mentor.
Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprentice working with mentor.

Entry criteria for the Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprenticeship

Wondering how to become a boatbuilder?

Individual employers will identify any relevant entry requirements when applying for a boatbuilder apprenticeship. Most candidates will typically have GCSEs (or equivalent) at A*- C including maths, English, and possibly a relevant science.

If you’re applying for the boatbuilder apprenticeship without GCSE English and maths will need to achieve this level before taking the End-Point Assessment (EPA). Your apprenticeship provider will be able to assist you with this. Head over to to find out more about this.

For those with an education, health and care plan, or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. A British Sign Language (BSL) qualification is an alternative to the English qualification for those whose primary language is BSL.

Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprentice working.
Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprentice working with material.

Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprenticeship Core Competencies

Behaviours – Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprenticeship

  • Appropriate safety behaviours individually and towards others
  • A commitment to quality and continuous improvement
  • Commercial awareness and business acumen
  • A focus on the requirements of the customer
  • An ability to work effectively individually and as part of a team
  • An ability to communicate with all levels of the organisation
  • A strong work ethic including motivated, committed, meticulous, reliable, proactive, and adaptable behaviours
  • A recognition and appreciation of equality and diversity in the workplace

Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprenticeship – Skills

Work method – Skills:

  • Prepare the work area and maintain safe, clean, and efficient work methods and environments
  • Identify and minimise hazards and risks in the workplace
  • Select, use, maintain and store equipment, tools, and materials
  • Follow and maintain work procedures, method statements, and production records
  • Make the most efficient and effective use of resources, time, and materials

Identify and respond to customer needs – Skills:

  • Prepare for meetings and discussions and use appropriate listening, questioning, recording, and presentation techniques
  • Use appropriate marine terminology
  • Use estimating techniques to support discussions

Planning and set up – skills:

  • Review and verify designs and plans
  • Finalise time and cost of the work to be done
  • Identify and source equipment, machinery, tools, and materials
  • Make, produce and use jigs and templates as required
  • Set up tools and machinery

Manufacture and assemble/ disassemble and repair components – Skills:

  • Manufacture or repair components to the required specification
  • Move components using the appropriate safe methods
  • Check components for robustness, fit, and tolerances
  • Analyse problems with machinery, equipment,
  • tools and material, proposing/implementing solutions where appropriate
  • Move, shape, and manipulate components to achieve the best fit
  • Select and use appropriate methods for holding materials and components in place, and for the connecting, fixing, and assembly of materials and components
  • Safeguard materials and components during assembly
  • Select suitable methods of repair that are effective and maintain original construction
  • Select suitable methods for fault finding and analysis
  • Make repairs whilst safeguarding the integrity of components and the surrounding area
  • Identify, mark, store and organise dismantled parts for reassembly

Fit-out – skills:

  • Determine the order and work methods
  • Install and fix components using the most appropriate method and material
  • Ensure that joins are suitably made and treated
  • Position and fit items
  • · Finalise fit-out for deck hardware

Finish – skills:

  • Check joins are sealed and fit for purpose
  • Prepare surfaces, treat suitably and ensure are free from defects and protected
  • Soften or suitably finish edges
  • Assess the quality of work

Support commissioning and sea trials – Skills:

  • Assess fixtures and fittings for quality and stability
  • Contribute to the commissioning of the boat as required
  • Assemble required documentation
  • Brief recipients verbally with the necessary documentation

Level 3 Boatbuilder Apprenticeship – Knowledge and understanding

Work methods – Knowledge and understanding:

  • The purpose of a range of equipment, tools, and materials
  • The characteristics and reaction of materials to their environment e.g. temperature, humidity, pressure
  • Safe and efficient methods of use, maintenance, movement, protection, and storage of materials
  • Work hazards and safe working methods
  • Broad knowledge of other marine trades to understand their needs
  • How to produce and interpret engineering drawings and understand boatbuilding terminology

Identify and respond to customer needs – Knowledge and understanding:

  • The international marine industry and the company’s place within it
  • The company’s products and services
  • The role of formal and informal communication
  • The uses of information technology in the workplace
  • Principles of costing, pricing, and budgeting

Planning and set up – Knowledge and understanding:

  • The company’s process for design, planning, and set up
  • How to obtain the required specifications using selected procedures
  • The conventions underpinning technical documentation the roles and safe and efficient uses of machinery
  • The uses of templates
  • Vessel design and construction, complex shapes, and the applications of geometry
  • The bill of materials methodology and reporting of discrepancies
  • Feedback on drawing and specification errors of modifications required

Manufacture and assemble/ disassemble and repair components – Knowledge and understanding:

  • The appropriate uses of measuring aids and equipment
  • The basic principles of contingency planning and of problem-solving
  • The options and constraints during assembly
  • Working with complex shapes and curves
  • The scope of materials for shaping and manipulation
  • Methods ptions for holding and clamping components before assembly
  • The properties, uses, and limitations of materials for connecting, fixing, and assembling components
  • De-storing a vessel for repair, safeguarding and protecting all removed items.
  • Methods of disassembling boats for repair
  • Fault finding techniques
  • A range of new and traditional techniques for boatbuilding

Fit out – Knowledge and understanding:

  • The options for connecting similar and dissimilar materials
  • Types and uses of deck hardware and the forces applied
  • The options for fixing components in place
  • Understanding service and maintenance requirements

Finish – Knowledge and understanding:

  • The options for connecting similar and dissimilar materials
  • Types and uses of deck hardware and the forces applied
  • The options for fixing components in place
  • Understanding service and maintenance requirements

Support commissioning and sea trials – Knowledge and understanding:

  • Manufacturers’ specifications and requirements
  • Guidance for the care and maintenance of materials
  • The relevant documentation
  • Boat handling skills
  • Understand the requirements for basin and sea trials
  • Principles of practice for working on or near water


As you can see, the level 3 Boatbuilder apprenticeship is an exciting and excellent starting point for anyone looking to pursue a career in boatbuilding. The core skills, knowledge, and behaviours covered in this apprenticeship will open up a range of future opportunities for you.

With an apprenticeship you will earn while you learn, also your training is free to you, and there are plenty of opportunities for further education after completion. Why not take a look at our full list of approved Engineering & Manufacturing Apprenticeships here.

Remeber to, follow us on Twitter and LinekdIn.