How To Get An Apprenticeship In Digital Marketing

Apprenticeships are an excellent pathway to starting a successful career, offering practical experience while learning about the industry. Apprenticeships have gained significant popularity in recent years, providing individuals with invaluable hands-on training and industry-specific skills. We will discuss the steps required to secure an apprenticeship and maximise your chances of landing the opportunity of a lifetime.

How To Choose The Right Apprenticeship

Before beginning your journey, it’s important to identify the type of apprenticeship you wish to pursue. There is a wide range of apprenticeships in various sectors, including business, engineering, healthcare, IT, and more. Begin by researching different apprenticeship programs to determine the one that aligns with your interests, goals, and skillset.
Here is an excellent blog post on some of the apprenticeship sectors and the skills and interests that you may have and which apprenticeship would be best suited for you.

Research Digital Marketing

Once you’ve decided on a specific apprenticeship, research the employer or training provider offering the opportunity. Make sure you are familiar with their values, goals, and the industry. This knowledge will not only help you during the application process but also during interviews or assessments. Tailor your CV and cover letter to highlight relevant skills, experiences, and your genuine interest in the field.

You can also use dedicated apprenticeship websites such as ours to learn more about the industry you are interested in and about how to get ahead of the competition with professional qualifications.

Apprentice working collaboratively on task with employer


When applying for an apprenticeship, ensure that your application is polished and professional. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and overall presentation. Highlight your qualifications, achievements, extracurricular activities, and any work experience that you have done. Be sure to mention transferable skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability.

Prepare for Interviews

If your application is successful, you may be invited for an interview or assessment. Research common interview questions and practice your responses. Demonstrate your passion for the industry and provide examples of how you’ve exhibited relevant skills in previous experiences. Also, be ready for any assessments or aptitude tests that may be part of the interview process.

Handshake at Level 3 Digital Marketing apprenticeship interview


Securing an apprenticeship requires determination, perseverance, and a strategic approach. By exploring available opportunities, conducting thorough research, and preparing meticulously, you can significantly increase your chances of landing an apprenticeship that aligns with your career aspirations. Remember to stay positive, embrace learning opportunities, and never hesitate to seek guidance from professionals who can support you throughout the journey.

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The 5 Basics of Executing an Effective Programmatic Campaign

Person holding phone

Programmatic marketing is an effective way of keeping up with the ever-growing digital climate, reaching highly targeted users online whilst they browse on their devices. Most marketing agencies will tend to include programmatic as part of their strategy, so when looking for a digital marketing apprenticeship it’s good practice to expect programmatic marketing will be included.

So, what is programmatic?

Programmatic marketing is the automated buying of digital media placements online, the placements being purchased through a bidding process, similar to auctioning where the highest bid wins. Campaigns can quickly be optimised or altered, making them a versatile channel. Depending on the DSP (demand side platform) being used to run the campaign, there is likely to be a plethora of third-party data available to tap into, allowing the chosen audience to be highly targeted. Data partnerships can often be integrated into the trading platform to bring in first and second party data which is more valuable than third party data as it isn’t stitched together from multiple sources.

The 5 Basics…

Target audience

Due to the wealth of data available to us online, it’s important we are targeting the users correctly. One way to get a better understanding of target audience is through audience segmentation. This involves refining your audience down to different demographics, online behaviors, interests, location etc. For example, if we were running a campaign for a company that sold women’s perfume, our main target audience could be briefed in as vague as those interested in perfume. At a top level, this can be done through browsing behavior data, targeting those who have historically searched for perfumes online.
However, we can do more with that to ensure each audience subset is targeted relevantly. Segmenting by demographic will allow us to target users with content relevant precisely. A female under the age of 25 is likely browsing for a different perfume to men over the age of 40.
Breaking down further by interests & browsing behavior will allow us to target users who are looking for a perfume for a specific occasion. For example, we could target those who are looking for a day-today perfume to wear, as well as those who are looking for a specific perfume to wear or an occasion. With this in mind, audience segmentation is a great too for reaching the target audience with highly relevant content, making them more likely to engage with the ads which in turn will help to push sales.

Engaging Creatives

In order to ensure users interact with the creatives, it’s important that the content shared is engaging and offers just enough information to push them to click on the ad. Creatives should be concise, not displaying too many products per ad. Due to the majority of traffic driven through programmatic ads being on mobile, the ad formats often run quite small meaning an overcrowded creative can result in key wording and call-to-actions becoming compromised.
The key to a successful creative is to ensure just enough information is shared, including the brand name, the CTA, the image of the SKU, and if relevant the T’s & C’s. To draw upon the previous point of audience segmentation, different creatives can also be pushed to each subset of the audience, in turn increasing the relevancy of the ad for the specific user.


As mentioned, there is a weather of data available online which can be utilised within the audience targeting. Despite this, not all data is created the same and some types of data is more valuable than others. Where possible, it’s best to aim to tap into first and second party data, although there are often restraints here when there isn’t a data partnership in place. So what are the different types of data?
First party data is the most valuable type of data. Acquired by a company directly from the source. This data can be collected from various different places but is often from email sign ups, purchase data and site activity.
Second party data is first party data that has been shared with an outside source. While still valuable, due to it being shared externally the data owner has a right not to disclose all data meaning there can be gaps in what is shared. Despite this, second party data is still a great option to utilise as you are still able to access data which is close to the source. Second party data can be acquired through a data partnership. This means that you have been allowed access to a company’s data often in return for the company collecting the data’s monetary value.
Third party data is data that has been collated from multiple sources and stitched together. This data type is most readily available within the majority of DSP’s and allow you to easily target your preferred audience. Unfortunately, due to being collected from a range of different sources, third party data is often the least valuable type of data. Despite this, the data is still useful to include in campaign where first party data or data partnerships are not in place.

In-App & Sites

When running a programmatic campaign, it’s important to disclose exactly what programmatic is to the client and that your ad will be shown to the target audience wherever they are browsing. For example, a client can be surprised to find their ad was showing on a gaming site when they were promoting a perfume SKU, but you should be able to explain that these campaigns are most often targeted on an audience basis.
Programmatic campaigns can be pushed to a specific whitelist of sites that the client sees relevant to their products, although this can often jeopardise the performance of the campaign when it is over laid with audience targeting too, becoming too granular to serve any ads. This should be voiced with the client before hand and their expectations should be followed as closely as possible.
Overlaying brand-safety targeting is always good practice when running a programmatic campaign. This will blacklist sites & content deemed as inappropriate so that your ads do not run against them.


With the right tools in place, you will be able to provide an in-depth report on the campaigns performance. Being able to understand each of the topline metrics available will help to create a story of the campaign performance which can be shared with the client.
Impressions will show you exactly how many users you have been able to reach with your ad.
show the number of times a user has engaged with the ad and clicked on it.
CTR (clickthrough rate)
is a useful metric as it shows the percentage of impressions that resulted in a click. A high CTR suggests that the content was well targeted as the audience engaged with it.
The final CPM achieved at the end of the campaign shows the average amount spent per 1,000 impressions. In this case, a lower CPM than planned shows you were able to reach a higher number of users and were able to achieve efficiencies. A higher CPM than planned suggests that the campaign under delivered and it did not serve out the planned impressions in full.
Though just the top line metrics have been highlighted here, there is a wealth of reporting that can be done on a campaign. Have any additional interests? Trying to pull a campaign report for yourself to discover what metrics you can utilise to report on!

To summarise..

If these 5 basics are kept in mind when executing a programmatic campaign, you’re on track to success. Attention to detail is key to ensure effective delivery of a campaign, so being thorough is a good quality to adopt.
Any additional questions? Feel free to reach out to use via email and we will endeavor to respond to all your apprenticeship or industry queries!

Top 5 tips for apprentices who are growing businesses with social media

Apprentices who are growing businesses with social media
Here are some of our apprentices that use social media to grow their companies.

Social media has become a vital component of modern-day marketing strategies. From a small business owner to a large corporation, social media provides a platform to reach your target audience and build brand awareness. However, it can be challenging to know which direction to head in. In this blog, we’ll explore the top 5 tips for apprentices who are growing businesses with social media.

Define Your Target Audience

When you’re starting to grow a businesses social media, it can be challenging as you don’t know what to post. However, the first thing you must do is find out who your target audience is. By knowing your target audience you will know who to aim your content towards, meaning that your content will be shown to the people who’ll buy the businesses product or service.

You can find out your target audience by performing target market research. Target market research can be researching the businesses top-paying clients and seeing what they have in common with each other. From noticing the similarities, you will be able to figure out who your ideal client is – meaning that you will then be able to connect with your audience in mind.

Choose the Right Social Media Platforms

Once you have found out your target audience you then need to find out what social media platforms they’re on. For example, 55% of employers are on Facebook and a further 72% of employers are on LinkedIn (this would be useful to you if you are a B2B company). Whereas, Instagram’s main demographic is 18 to 24 year old at 30.8%, and TikTok’s main demographic is 10 to 19 at 25%, and 20 to 29 at 22.4%.

With this in mind, you now need to find the right platform for your audience. This is because if your product or service is aimed towards 40-year-old business owners, you would gain more leads and interaction from using LinkedIn over TikTok. By posting on the correct platform, you will grow the business and see a significant rise in enquiries. Meaning, you will be able to concentrate on growing followers and engagement, as this will also help your brand recognition.

Create High-Quality Content

Now that you’ve figured out which platform is suitable for your target audience, you need to start creating high-quality content. A benefit of creating appealing content is that it generates more engagement on your social media page, which leads to an increase in leads – therefore you will become a more profitable business.

5 tips for apprentices on what content will lead to growing your business through social media:

  • Short-form videos
  • Show the employees within the business
  • Show the behind-the-scenes of what happens within the business
  • Client testimonials
  • Showing the product or service, and say how it can help your target market
An apprentice who is growing their business with social media
Here’s one of our apprentices who creates social media content for their business.

Engage with Your Audience

Now you know who your target audience is and which social media platform they’re on, you need to engage with your audience. It is important to engage and grow the business with social media because you need to build: know, like, trust and confidence within your business and product. You build these different points by interacting with your audience, as without any of them you won’t sell anything because they won’t know who you are.

5 tips for apprentices who are growing businesses with social media and want to engage with their audience:

  • Ask people who have brought your product how they found it
  • Ask your target audience how you could improve your product
  • Hold a competition, as this will draw in new leads and clients
  • Reply to all comments on your social media page, as your target audience will then know you’re a real business and not a scam page
  • Ask regular customers who enjoy your product, to leave a review or recommendation

Analyse Your Results

Finally, it is important to track how your social media content is performing. This is one of the most important things to do if you want to grow your business with social media. This is because if your content isn’t performing at its best or reaching your target audience, you need to change your approach and content plan. This also means that if your content is performing the way it should, you will know to keep posting similar content consistently.

If your content isn’t performing as well as you hoped, you can adjust your content planner by doing a social media audit. A social media audit is when you look at your top-performing content and see what all of it has in common. This is beneficial to your social media page because it means that you won’t be posting content that isn’t gaining any traction. Then once you have completed your social media audit, and you know what content gets the best engagement – the algorithm will start to push your content towards your target audience.


In conclusion, social media can be a useful tool for growing your business. By following these top 5 tips for growing your business with social media, you will build brand recognition and gain more leads.

If you feel as though you learnt something from this blog, signup for our eBook where we talk about the EPA Interview. You can also follow us on Twitter, where we give updates about apprenticeships.

Digital Marketing: Tools, Best Practices & Strategies

Digital Marketing word board

In today’s digital age, businesses must have an online presence to stay competitive. Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels to promote products or services to potential customers. The goal of digital marketing is to reach as many people as possible through various digital platforms, including social media, search engines, and email.

One of the primary benefits of digital marketing is that it is cost-effective. Compared to traditional advertising methods like television or print, digital marketing channels are much less expensive. Additionally, digital marketing allows businesses to target specific audiences, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

Digital Marketing Tools: A Comprehensive Guide

Digital marketing tools are essential for businesses that want to succeed in the online marketplace. There are many different tools available, each designed to help businesses achieve their marketing goals. In this section, we will explore some of the most popular digital marketing tools and how they can benefit a business.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic. It provides valuable insights into how visitors interact with your website, including information on their behaviour, demographics, and location. With this data, businesses can identify areas of their website that need improvement and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.


SEMrush is a comprehensive digital marketing tool that offers a range of features, including SEO, PPC, and social media management. With SEMrush, businesses can conduct keyword research, analyse their competitors, and track their rankings on search engines. It also provides insights into social media performance and allows businesses to schedule and publish content on multiple platforms.


Hootsuite is a social media management tool that allows businesses to manage multiple social media accounts from a single dashboard. With Hootsuite, businesses can schedule and publish posts, track engagement metrics, and monitor brand mentions. It also offers collaboration features that allow multiple team members to manage social media accounts together.

Mail chimp

Mail chimp is an email marketing tool that enables businesses to design and send email campaigns to their subscribers. With Mail chimp, businesses can create customized templates, segment their audience, and track email performance metrics like open and click-through rates. It also offers integrations with other marketing tools like Shopify and Salesforce.


Canva is a graphic design tool that allows businesses to create professional-looking graphics and visual content. With Canva, businesses can design social media posts, infographics, and marketing materials like flyers and brochures. It offers a range of templates and design elements, making it easy for even non-designers to create high-quality graphics.


Buffer is a social media scheduling tool that allows businesses to schedule and publish posts on multiple platforms. With Buffer, businesses can create a content calendar, schedule posts in advance, and track engagement metrics. It also offers analytics features that provide insights into post performance and audience engagement.

Google AdWords

Google AdWords is an advertising platform that allows businesses to create and display ads on Google search results pages. With AdWords, businesses can target specific keywords and audiences, set budgets and bids, and track ad performance metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates. It is an effective way for businesses to reach potential customers who are actively searching for their products or services.


Ahrefs is an SEO tool that allows businesses to analyse their website’s backlink profile and track their rankings on search engines. It offers a range of features, including keyword research, site audits, and competitor analysis. With Ahrefs, businesses can identify opportunities to improve their SEO performance and stay ahead of their competitors.

smart insights essential digital marketing tools
smart insights essential digital marketing tools

Digital Marketing Best Practices

In addition to using digital marketing tools, businesses must also follow best practices to achieve their marketing goals. Below are some best practices that every business should consider when implementing a digital marketing strategy:

Define Your Goals and KPIs

Before starting any digital marketing campaign, businesses must define their goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). This will help them track their progress and determine whether their campaigns are successful. Some common goals and KPIs include website traffic, conversion rates, social media engagement, and email open rates.

Know Your Audience

To create effective digital marketing campaigns, businesses must know their audience. This includes understanding their demographics, interests, and online behaviours. By knowing their audience, businesses can tailor their marketing messages to resonate with them and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Create High-Quality Content

Content is king in digital marketing. Businesses must create high-quality content that provides value to their audience. This can include blog posts, videos, social media posts, and email newsletters. High-quality content can help businesses establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and build trust with their audience.

Use Multiple Channels

To reach as many people as possible, businesses should use multiple digital marketing channels. This can include social media, search engines, email, and display advertising. By using multiple channels, businesses can reach potential customers at different stages of the buying journey and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Test and Optimise

Digital marketing is an iterative process. Businesses must constantly test and optimise their campaigns to improve their performance. This can include A/B testing different ad creatives, optimising landing pages, and tweaking email subject lines. By testing and optimising their campaigns, businesses can identify areas of improvement and increase their ROI (return on investment).

Digital Marketing Strategies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of optimising a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). By ranking higher in search results, businesses can attract more organic traffic to their website. Some common SEO strategies include optimising on-page elements like title tags and meta descriptions, creating high-quality content, and building back-links.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

PPC advertising involves placing ads on search engine results pages, social media platforms, and other websites. Furthermore Advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. This can be an effective way to drive traffic to a website and generate leads. Some popular PPC platforms include Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing involves using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote a business’s products or services. By posting engaging content and interacting with followers, businesses can build a loyal following and increase brand awareness.

Email Marketing

Email marketing involves sending promotional messages to a list of subscribers. This can include newsletters, promotional offers, and product updates. By nurturing leads through email, businesses can increase the likelihood of conversions.

Content Marketing

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable content to attract and retain a target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and whitepapers. By providing value to their audience, businesses can build trust and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.


As an aspiring digital marketing apprentice, it’s important to understand the various tools and strategies available to businesses in the digital marketing landscape. By familiarising yourself with the best practices and tools outlined in this article, you can develop the skills and knowledge necessary to help businesses improve their online presence, attract more leads, and ultimately drive conversions. Whether you’re interested in SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, or email marketing, there are many exciting opportunities available in the world of digital marketing. With dedication and hard work, you can become a skilled digital marketing professional and make a meaningful impact in the industry.

Was this useful? Download our free digital marketing EPA ebook here

Digital marketing word board
Digital marketing word board

Email Marketing 101

Email campaign

Email Marketing plays a crucial role in any digital markers marketing campaign. It is a great way to nurture your leads as it allows you to communicate with those who are already subscribed to your mailing list, meaning that you are communicating with those already interested in your company. It can also increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website to ultimately reach your goals.

In 2022, Litmus found that the average ROI (Return On Investment) for email marketing was $36 for every $1 spent. With many different types of emails, you can send to your customers, email marketing is a great way for businesses to reach out to their target audience, It is no surprise that Litmus found that 79% of marketers list email marketing as their top 3 most effective marketing channels.

Getting started with email marketing

Getting started with email marketing is easy but the first thing you must do is work out what you want to achieve from your campaign. Do you want to drive traffic to your website? Convert your audience into leads? Encourage people to sign-up for an event? Establishing your goals is key to a successful email campaign and aligning those goals with your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) means that you can easily measure the success of your campaign as well.


Building a mailing list

When getting started with email campaigns companies will need to bring together a mailing list. A mailing list is a list of people to whom you want to send your email campaign. These are the people who have given consent to receive email marketing from your company. If you do not already have a mailing list you will need to start thinking of any which you can get people to sign-up for your emails. You can do this by:

  • Putting links/buttons to sign-up forms on email signatures, your website, your social media pages, the end of blog posts, etc.
  • Making sure that the sign-up form is short and easy to fill in.
  • Providing sneak peeks of your newsletters, this could be in social media.
  • Advertising offers only available through email sign-ups.

When building your mailing list you should also consider segmenting your list. You can put your audience into different categories depending on characteristics they may have stated on your email sign-up form, such as location, interests, etc.

Types of email marketing

Another thing to consider is deciding the type of email campaign you will send to your audience. There are countless types of email marketing and the type you choose to send should align with your goals to achieve a successful campaign. Types of email marketing include:

  • Welcome emails
  • Newsletters
  • Company updates
  • Job advertisements
  • Promotional

Different technologies

You will need to decide what technology you want to use before getting started with email. There are hundreds of different technologies available to create email campaigns, all of which have different factors which set them apart. You should choose the technologies that will help your company achieve its goals and objectives. Some examples of email marketing technologies include:

  • HubSpot – a cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform which helps marketing teams optimise their email campaigns powered by CRM data.
  • MailChimp – an email marketing platform used for creating and managing email campaigns. It is best for actionable data insights to improve your strategy.
  • Moosend – an email marketing automation platform designed to send and manage email campaigns. It is best for creating automation and sending personalised emails.

Why is email marketing important?

There are many reasons why email marketing is important for your business. For starters people use email every day and according to Statista there were over 4 billion email users worldwide in 2020, so it is easy to connect and communicate your messages to your audience. It has many benefits, some of these include:

  • Boosting other marketing channels.
  • Keeping your audience engaged with your company.
  • Cost-effective
  • Allows for targeted messages
  • Generates traffic to your website
Email messages

What makes a successful email campaign?

There are many things that can make an email campaign successful, these can include:

  • Relevant to your audience – making your email marketing relevant to your audience, whether that be through personalised/targeted content can lead to your audience driving traffic to your website and making purchases.
  • Engaging subject lines – subject line will be one of the first things your audience sees and this will determine whether or not they will open your email. Making your subject line engaging will help push them to open your email and click on your content.
  • Clearly defined goals – setting goals means that you know what you want your email campaign to achieve and it can help measure the success of your campaign.
  • Optimised for mobiles – according to Adobe in 2018 85% of email users use their phone to access emails.
  • Proofread before sending – by proofreading your email before sending you can check that you have made no errors such as spelling mistakes. Sending test emails allow you to see what your email would look like to your audience and it allows you to test that all links work and go to the right places.

Email marketing regulations

It is important to note that there are rules to email marketing. Since 2018 there have been GDPR regulations introduced that restrict whom you can send emails to. People must have given consent to receive emails from your company, whether that be by signing up for or opting in to email marketing. This means that companies need to be careful when sending email campaigns and make sure that everyone on their mailing list has opted-in to receive and has not unsubscribed.

Email marketing is a great way to connect with your target audience and it is a technique that all digital markers should consider in their marketing strategy as it is easy to do with little cost.

If you would like to discover more posts about digital marketing click here: Digital Apprenticeships Archives –

3 Free Digital Marketing Tools Every Marketer Needs 2023

Digital Marketing, Tools, Digital Marketer, digital marketing tools, tools 2023, free tools, free tools 2023

When starting your career in digital marketing, have you ever thought about tools and software available to use? Free Digital Marketing Tools have evolved in 2023. There are so many options out there from time management tools to SEO guidance which is why its important to take a step back and really decide what works best for you. This blog will provide some useful free tools below to help get you started. 

Google Keyword Planner

Understanding which keywords to use when creating different content, for example blogs or google ads can seem like a difficult task. However, Google keyword planner is so easy to use. This free tool allows you to discover many new keywords associated with your business/ industry. It works by and offering estimates of the number of times specific words/ phrases were searched. Usefully, the keyword planner actually tells you how much it costs to target. Overall, this free digital marketing tool is fantastic for all digital marketers who are looking for a keyword planner.


Free digital Marketing Tools generally enable creating engaging short-form video content. Since 2022 there has been an increase in the popularity of videos via platforms like TikTok and Instagram. CapCut is a multi-purpose video editor which removes complex editing, so it is essentially the perfect tool for new professionals in the industry. Something that differentiates CapCut from other video editors is you can extract audio. For example take a trending sound from Instagram and import the video into CapCut, click extract audio and then you have an easy way to create perfectly timed transitions. 

Digital Marketing, Tools, Digital Marketer, digital marketing tools, tools 2023, free tools, free tools 2023


An Important tool for a role as a digital marketer is Canva. Canva is basically a source for all your graphic design needs, which is super helpful having this all in one place not to mention convenient. Canva pretty much allows you to create anything from social media content you need to upload, to banners for your new website and it also provides a helpful system of templates to help you incorporate all of this into your outputs.

We all know starting to create content from scratch can seem extremely daunting and this tends to put many new digital marketers in a predicament, knowing tools like this are out there and available free to use by anyone creates so much relief! Because once you know this life gets so much easier. Canva is able to take this to a whole new level by displaying inspiration from various previous creators and the different internal tools and features such as the drag-and-drop feature which makes the experience streamlined.

Summary of Free Digital Marketing Tools

To conclude, a range of free digital marketing tools readily available are so easy to find when you have the web at your finger tips. Don’t be afraid to jump deep in when comes to digital marketing as there are so many useful resources out there that will make your journey as a marketer super easy! It is important to know which ones will help develop your skills, however it is just as easy to find out which ones are best for you by simply trial and error.

These 3 free digital marketing tools will help you to build your best skillset now and in the future as technology advances and trends keep changing. Overall, understanding what tools will drive your development and progression is important for creating successful strategies and campaigns.

If your interested in receiving more tips like theses to easy your mind into the ever growing digital marketing world use the form below to sign up with our eBooks to gain access to limitless information on these specialized areas!

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The Power of Social Media Marketing for Apprentices: Why It’s an Essential Skill to Master

Level 3 Apprenticeship Unleashing Your Creativity The Benefits of an Advanced and Creative Hair Professional Level 3 Apprenticeship

In today’s digitally connected world, social media marketing has become a must-have skill for professionals across various industries. For apprentices looking to develop their careers and stand out in a competitive job market, mastering social media marketing can provide significant advantages. In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons why social media marketing is a powerful skill for apprentices and how it can help them succeed in their chosen fields.


Enhancing Personal Branding and Networking Opportunities

As an apprentice, establishing a strong personal brand is crucial for attracting potential employers, clients, or business partners. Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills, knowledge, and personality. By actively engaging with others in your industry, sharing relevant content, and building a professional online presence, you can increase your visibility and expand your network, which can lead to new opportunities and connections.

Keeping Up with Industry Trends and News

Staying updated on the latest trends, news, and developments in your industry is essential for personal and professional growth. Social media platforms are a treasure trove of real-time information, with industry experts, influencers, and organizations sharing valuable insights and updates. As an apprentice, regularly engaging with social media can help you stay informed and aware of the latest advancements, enabling you to adapt and thrive in a constantly evolving professional landscape. This knowledge not only sets you apart from your peers but also equips you with the information needed to make informed decisions and contribute meaningfully to conversations within your field.

Demonstrating Adaptability and Digital Savvy

In an increasingly digital world, employers value professionals who are adaptable and possess a strong understanding of digital tools and trends. By mastering social media marketing, apprentices demonstrate their digital savvy and willingness to adapt to new technologies. This skill set can make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers and help you stand out among other applicants.

Complementing Traditional Marketing Strategies

Social media marketing can be a powerful addition to traditional marketing strategies, providing apprentices with a well-rounded understanding of both online and offline marketing techniques. This comprehensive knowledge is beneficial when working with clients or employers who require a versatile approach to promoting their products or services. Additionally, social media marketing skills can help apprentices identify creative and innovative ways to integrate online and offline campaigns, maximizing their impact and reach.

Future-Proofing Your Career

As social media continues to grow and evolve, its importance in the business world is only set to increase. By developing social media marketing skills as an apprentice, you are effectively future-proofing your career. Regardless of the industry you choose to work in, the ability to create engaging content, analyze data, and leverage the power of social media will remain a valuable asset in the years to come. By staying ahead of the curve and continuously honing your social media marketing skills, you can ensure that your professional development remains relevant and adaptive to the shifting digital landscape.


Social media marketing is undoubtedly a powerful skill that apprentices should strive to acquire and refine. By mastering this skill, apprentices can enhance their personal branding, expand their professional network, stay informed about industry trends, complement traditional marketing strategies, and future-proof their careers. In an ever-evolving digital world, the ability to harness the power of social media will be an invaluable asset, setting apprentices on a path to success in their chosen fields.

More Information on Digital Marketing for Apprentices standards

Check out our other Article on The Benefits of an Advanced and Creative Hair Professional Level 3 Apprenticeship here

Dos and Don’t of using Ad Intel

Are you looking for the ultimate guide to using Ad intel? This is a great tool for researching the global competitive advertising market for both Ad spend and creatives. But you might find it hard to use the platform. We have come up with Dos and Dont’s help you navigate the way around the platform. Continue reading to find out more!

What is the database?

This a data base that allows you to run selective reports and adds media channels, new dates, brands and spending across the time that is suited. It requires planners, to research and gain exposure on competitors for client requests.

Please see Apprenticetips for more information on using digital tools and overall apprenticeship research. Find at


Use Ad Intel for in-house planning, buying and media decisions. This will include building in-house reports to understand the competitive market.


Another key point is not to share the data, in a raw format – it will lead to it being manipulated in another way.


Also, Feed data into dashboards or reports for client use.


Generate reports with any spot level granularity. Including reporting by channel, publication or sharing data outside the business.


But, do use your own login at all times. This is to save copyrights and people taking credit for your work.


Lastly don’t, share any data on your own websites without permission.

Why this matters?

These Dos and Don’ts allow you to be the best researcher you can be for your business and solve your client requests. Being a good researcher helps meet business goals and pushes your company to: Better understand your customers, design new business opportunities and identify problem areas.

To use these Dos and Don’ts head onto the Ad Intel website to become a pro at Ad Intel UI UK (


In summary, we hope this gave a good overview on the sharing guidelines of Ad Intel. By following these tips, you will be showing a better understanding on Ad intel and can take what you have learnt back to your business and show your clients you are a research expert!

Email Marketing Help 5 Useful Tips To Up Your Game

Email Marketing Help Overview

We’ve carefully selected and condensed the most useful advice into 5 key tips to optimize your email marketing strategy. This Email marketing help guide provides invaluable insights to enhance your email campaigns, covering essential topics such as personalization, testing, metric tracking, and avoiding common pitfalls. By actively implementing these tips, you can develop highly effective email campaigns that actively engage your audience and significantly increase conversions.

Tip 1: Personalize Your Emails

Personalize your email campaigns to stand out. Use the recipient’s name and tailor content to their interests. By personalizing your email campaigns, you can significantly increase the likelihood of your emails being read, while driving up engagement and conversions.

Additionally, segment your list based on factors such as location, age, gender, interests, or past purchase behavior. This way, you can send targeted messages that are more likely to resonate with your subscribers and drive action.

Tip 2: Test Your Emails

Testing your emails is crucial to ensure that they look and perform as intended. Check for broken links or formatting issues, and see how your emails will look on different devices and email clients.

You can also conduct A/B testing to compare the performance of different versions of your email. Test different subject lines, calls-to-action, or images to see which ones drive more clicks and conversions. This can help you optimize your campaigns and improve their effectiveness over time.

Tip 3: Monitor Your Metrics

Tracking your email marketing metrics is essential to understand how your campaigns are performing and identify areas for improvement. Monitor metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates.

Analyze your data to see which emails or campaigns are performing better than others, and why. This can help you refine your strategy and optimize your future campaigns for better results.

Email Marketing Help so you can Send quality emails to anyone anywhere

Tip 4: Don’t Send Generic Emails

Steer clear of sending generic emails that lack personalization and fail to cater to your audience’s interests and preferences. Instead, craft targeted messages that address the specific needs and pain points of your subscribers.

Use a compelling subject line that entices the recipient to open the email, such as “Exclusive offer for our loyal customers” or “Limited-time sale: 50% off all products”. Crafting a compelling subject line can make or break the success of your email campaign, as it can significantly impact whether or not your email gets opened.

Tip 5: Don’t Spam Your Subscribers

Avoid sending too many emails or irrelevant content to your subscribers. This can annoy them and lead to unsubscribes or spam complaints. Instead, only send valuable content that is aligned with their interests and preferences.

Make it easy for your subscribers to opt-out of your emails if they no longer want to receive them. You Must Include an unsubscribe link in every email, and honor unsubscribe requests promptly. This will help you maintain a good reputation and avoid being labeled as a spammer.


To conclude, implementing email marketing as a strategy can significantly enhance engagement with your audience and increase conversions. Incorporating the following five valuable tips can empower you to develop impactful email campaigns that provide your subscribers with value and support you in achieving your business objectives.

Thanks for reading our blog post on email marketing help! For more information on becoming a digital marketer, check out the assessment plan HERE. Or click to go back to the homepage HERE

6 Dos and Don’ts of using Social Media in Digital Marketing

Image Credit = Campaign Asia

Millions of businesses around the world are using Social Media now more than ever to reach their target audiences, to connect with their customers and to promote their products/services. We can understand why, because in today’s time, Social Media is constantly evolving and is a massive part of our consumer’s lives. Therefore, a good online presence on Social Networks can quickly help businesses reach the maximum number of users possible whilst also open up different advertising opportunities.

There are thousands of platforms, each with different features and rules, but there are some basic tips and guidelines you can follow to develop a good use of social media in your digital marketing strategy. Even if you aren’t a business owner, if you have a passion for social media and are keen to understand and grow your knowledge of it, this will be a useful read to help you knuckle down on the basics.

We’ve rounded up a list of key do’s and don’ts when using social media as part of your digital marketing strategy and explained why they are important.

1. DO identify your brand voice:

Understanding how you want your brand to be perceived online is important and is determined by how formal or informal you want your online presence to be. This will largely depend on your target audience and what kind of language or tone they would expect. For instance, if you manage social media for a makeup brand which mainly aims to market their products towards younger demographics, then you may decide to use more informal language, fun emoticons and take part in viral trends. However, if you’re managing social media for engineering firm, you may decide to have more educational content and a more professional tone within your content.

2. DON’T use the same content across all social media networks:

Consistent branding and tone of voice across all social media networks is important. However, recycling the same content and using it across all of your brand’s social networks is bad practice. This is because each social media platform is different and as such will have different set of guidelines which are considered ‘best practice’. We suggest using original content and messaging for each platform but keeping a consistent theme throughout. For example, if you are promoting ‘50% off all Beauty lines’ then it could be a good idea to have different product images on your Instagram and Facebook with a slightly different caption.

3. DO capitalise on trends:

The best part about social media is that there is almost always a viral trend or conversation which could be relevant for your brand to join in on. It is important for all businesses to pay attention to trending content which appeals to the audience they’re trying to reach and to take part in it, if possible. Captalising on these trends is key and can help push your content to even more users than usual and prompt them to engage with it.

A good example of a brand capitalising on trends is the popular beauty brand – Fenty Beauty. As a makeup brand, the main aim of their social media strategy is to convince customers to purchase and try their products. A popular type of content on TikTok is tutorials. Fenty Beauty utilise TikTok to post makeup tutorials showcase new products and how they apply and wear throughout the day. This has proven to be an effective content strategy for the brand as they tend to see high levels of engagement and build up a lot of positivity around their products.

4. DON’T use poor spelling and grammar within your content:

Human error is normal. However, it is important to take precautions to avoid your brand putting out content or copy with grammar mistakes and spelling errors because it reduces your credibility and looks unprofessional. To avoid this, it is a good idea to create your social media updates offline first in a document or spreadsheet. That way, you are able to proofread them before posting online for your followers to see. There are numerous tools which could be helpful in automating this process and add that extra layer of protection. For example, Grammarly is a great content marketing tool because it also proofreads your copy but also allows you to set your writing goals based on the type of writing you do, making it a useful tool for copy.

5. DO set objectives:

Going viral on Instagram and TikTok is great for your brand. However, it is important you set out some key short term and long term objectives to understand what your business wants to achieve from your social media strategy. It is good to think ahead and be aware of what you want to do with the engagement you see from your followers.

For example, in terms of potential short term objectives for a clothing brand, you could be having a flash sale and as such, would want to focus on using social media to boost sales. In terms of longer term objectives, as part of your digital marketing strategy you may want to use social media to build up awareness and establish yourself as a credible brand with an engaging online presence.

6. DON’T excessively use Hashtags:

A common misconception about social media platforms, in particular Instagram, is that using a #hastag with each sentence will push your content out more. This could not be further from the truth. Excessive use of #Hashtags is one of the most unprofessional and irritating practices and its worth avoiding. Using appropriate hashtags connects your post to related posts but it should be used, within reason, for this purpose only. Instagram’s algorithm has changed over the years and posts with too many hashtags actually seem to be less favoured by the platform and by audiences.

This is where understanding each platform and what works is important. Research how many hashtags are appropriate to include in posts on different social media platforms and use this information to influence your decision. Opting for less but niche hashtags instead of several generic ones is that it will be more likely to help you reach your desired audience and will result in more exposure.


To conclude, we hope this gave you some insight into 6 do’s and don’ts when using social media in digital marketing. Incorporating social media into your digital marketing strategy is key for a successful online presence and will help you boost this in a productive and effective way.

Pursuing a Digital Marketing Level 3 Apprenticeship would introduce you to the basics of using Social Media as part of a digital marketing strategy and also help you kick-start your career within the industry that is constantly growing.

More information on this apprenticeship can be found here. Alternatively, check out our range of useful articles and blog posts here to find a suitable Digital apprenticeship for you.

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