Top 5 tips for apprentices who are growing businesses with social media

Apprentices who are growing businesses with social media
Here are some of our apprentices that use social media to grow their companies.

Social media has become a vital component of modern-day marketing strategies. From a small business owner to a large corporation, social media provides a platform to reach your target audience and build brand awareness. However, it can be challenging to know which direction to head in. In this blog, we’ll explore the top 5 tips for apprentices who are growing businesses with social media.

Define Your Target Audience

When you’re starting to grow a businesses social media, it can be challenging as you don’t know what to post. However, the first thing you must do is find out who your target audience is. By knowing your target audience you will know who to aim your content towards, meaning that your content will be shown to the people who’ll buy the businesses product or service.

You can find out your target audience by performing target market research. Target market research can be researching the businesses top-paying clients and seeing what they have in common with each other. From noticing the similarities, you will be able to figure out who your ideal client is – meaning that you will then be able to connect with your audience in mind.

Choose the Right Social Media Platforms

Once you have found out your target audience you then need to find out what social media platforms they’re on. For example, 55% of employers are on Facebook and a further 72% of employers are on LinkedIn (this would be useful to you if you are a B2B company). Whereas, Instagram’s main demographic is 18 to 24 year old at 30.8%, and TikTok’s main demographic is 10 to 19 at 25%, and 20 to 29 at 22.4%.

With this in mind, you now need to find the right platform for your audience. This is because if your product or service is aimed towards 40-year-old business owners, you would gain more leads and interaction from using LinkedIn over TikTok. By posting on the correct platform, you will grow the business and see a significant rise in enquiries. Meaning, you will be able to concentrate on growing followers and engagement, as this will also help your brand recognition.

Create High-Quality Content

Now that you’ve figured out which platform is suitable for your target audience, you need to start creating high-quality content. A benefit of creating appealing content is that it generates more engagement on your social media page, which leads to an increase in leads – therefore you will become a more profitable business.

5 tips for apprentices on what content will lead to growing your business through social media:

  • Short-form videos
  • Show the employees within the business
  • Show the behind-the-scenes of what happens within the business
  • Client testimonials
  • Showing the product or service, and say how it can help your target market
An apprentice who is growing their business with social media
Here’s one of our apprentices who creates social media content for their business.

Engage with Your Audience

Now you know who your target audience is and which social media platform they’re on, you need to engage with your audience. It is important to engage and grow the business with social media because you need to build: know, like, trust and confidence within your business and product. You build these different points by interacting with your audience, as without any of them you won’t sell anything because they won’t know who you are.

5 tips for apprentices who are growing businesses with social media and want to engage with their audience:

  • Ask people who have brought your product how they found it
  • Ask your target audience how you could improve your product
  • Hold a competition, as this will draw in new leads and clients
  • Reply to all comments on your social media page, as your target audience will then know you’re a real business and not a scam page
  • Ask regular customers who enjoy your product, to leave a review or recommendation

Analyse Your Results

Finally, it is important to track how your social media content is performing. This is one of the most important things to do if you want to grow your business with social media. This is because if your content isn’t performing at its best or reaching your target audience, you need to change your approach and content plan. This also means that if your content is performing the way it should, you will know to keep posting similar content consistently.

If your content isn’t performing as well as you hoped, you can adjust your content planner by doing a social media audit. A social media audit is when you look at your top-performing content and see what all of it has in common. This is beneficial to your social media page because it means that you won’t be posting content that isn’t gaining any traction. Then once you have completed your social media audit, and you know what content gets the best engagement – the algorithm will start to push your content towards your target audience.


In conclusion, social media can be a useful tool for growing your business. By following these top 5 tips for growing your business with social media, you will build brand recognition and gain more leads.

If you feel as though you learnt something from this blog, signup for our eBook where we talk about the EPA Interview. You can also follow us on Twitter, where we give updates about apprenticeships.

Everything You Need to Know About Audience Targeting

A Guide to target audiences for Digital Marketing Apprentices

Graphic of a target with people around it

So you’ve come to the point in your apprenticeship when you have more responsibility for your campaigns and you don’t know where to start. With there being so many components that go into planning campaigns, like creatives, devices, budgets and more, it can be tricky to know what to start planning first. We look no further that this because we’re here to set you up for success.

As a marketer, you want to deliver the right message to the right people at the right time and the right place

Everyone is not your customer. Not everyone is going to be interested in the product or service you are advertising, which is why is it so important to define your target audience before anything else. In this article, well highlight some of the different way you an segment and identify your target audience.

What is a target audience & Why are they Important?

A target audience is a specific group of users with shared characteristics who are most likely to be interested in the product or service you are advertising. You would typically segment your audience by demographics, geographic, psychographics and behaviors. Below are some examples of each of these segments:

DemographicsGeographics Psychographics Behaviors
– Age
– Gender
– Income
– Level of education
– Profession / Role in
– Company
– Marital Status
– Language
– Country
– City
– Region
– Postal Code
– Personality
– Traits
– Hobbies
– Life goals
– Values
– Beliefs
– Lifestyle
– Spending habits
– Buying habits
– Browsing habits
– Interactions with brands
– Loyalty to brands

Defining a clear audience will help you create a message that will appeals to the type of people who are most likely to convert. Consumers want a brand that understands their challenges and provides solutions for them. In turn, this will build a strong relationship between you and your customers. However, in order to do this you will need this to find out more about their needs and challenges…

Empathy Maps

An empathy map is a visualization tool which helps marketers identify and understand their audience’s situations and feelings. Empathy is a common synonym to “being in someone else’s shoes” and is a key skill for marketers to have, as it allows them to take on their customers perspectives.

Empathy maps vary in size, but all of them should include the following four points

  • Say & Do – What the customer says about a product or brand. How do they interact on the internet… do they use social media? What actions and behaviors have / do they adopt and how do they interact with products and brands.
  • Think & Feel – What do they think about when they interact with a product? What occupies their thoughts and what matters to them? How do they feel when interacting with a brand? What do they get excited about and what worries them?
  • Hear – Who and what influences them and where do they find this? Celebrities? Social Media influencers? Their friends and family?
  • See – What do they see, day to day, in the environment they are in? What does this environment look like? What type of people or products are around them?

Below is an example of an empathy map, and some questions you can consider when creating one…

By producing an empathy map, you gain an understanding of your customers needs and wants. As you identify what you know about your audience, place it on an empathy map to gain a more holistic view of the users world.

Empathy maps serve as a foundation to another method of audience planning, which is more personal and involves thinking about a particular user in your audience. Customer personas represent a real person in your audience and have more human characteristics like name, age, motivations, personality, age and interest.

Customer Personas

Remember having an imaginary friend when you were a child? Marketers have them too, but in this case, they’re called customer or audience personas and they are an especially helpful too when defining your target audience. Customer personas remind you to put your audience’s wants and needs before the businesses’. As a result of this, you’ll be able to create better content that will appeal to the people you’re trying to target.

Customer personas are brief documents that encapsulate data about your target audience. They allow you to:

  • Build empathy for your customers and evaluate messaging from their perspective.
  • Give data context and a human face.
  • Help your business have a shared understanding which will help in decision making.

Take a look at this example of what a customer persona might look like and what questions you can ask yourself when creating one.

Some important things to note:

  • Don’t use gender unless it is consistently true for the customer or unrelated to why the persona would want your product/service. For example, if you’re promoting a Football brand, don’t specify your persona as a male because woman can enjoy football too.
  • Keep it simple.
  • Consider if a name and photo is actually helpful or weather it creates a bias.
  • Use real customer research and quotes.
  • Don’t make things up.


Having the responsibility of planning a campaign when you’re still new to the advertising industry can be scary. One of the most important components of any campaign is the target audience. If you target too broad of an audience, then you run the risk of wasting money on impressions from users who will not be interested in your brand / product. By defining a clear target audience, you can ensure that your advertising is being see by users who are the most likely to want you product and convert, which is what advertising is all about!

To learn more about digital marketing and digital marketing apprenticeship tips and advice, check out our other blog posts by clicking here.