6 Dos and Don’ts of using Social Media in Digital Marketing

Image Credit = Campaign Asia

Millions of businesses around the world are using Social Media now more than ever to reach their target audiences, to connect with their customers and to promote their products/services. We can understand why, because in today’s time, Social Media is constantly evolving and is a massive part of our consumer’s lives. Therefore, a good online presence on Social Networks can quickly help businesses reach the maximum number of users possible whilst also open up different advertising opportunities.

There are thousands of platforms, each with different features and rules, but there are some basic tips and guidelines you can follow to develop a good use of social media in your digital marketing strategy. Even if you aren’t a business owner, if you have a passion for social media and are keen to understand and grow your knowledge of it, this will be a useful read to help you knuckle down on the basics.

We’ve rounded up a list of key do’s and don’ts when using social media as part of your digital marketing strategy and explained why they are important.

1. DO identify your brand voice:

Understanding how you want your brand to be perceived online is important and is determined by how formal or informal you want your online presence to be. This will largely depend on your target audience and what kind of language or tone they would expect. For instance, if you manage social media for a makeup brand which mainly aims to market their products towards younger demographics, then you may decide to use more informal language, fun emoticons and take part in viral trends. However, if you’re managing social media for engineering firm, you may decide to have more educational content and a more professional tone within your content.

2. DON’T use the same content across all social media networks:

Consistent branding and tone of voice across all social media networks is important. However, recycling the same content and using it across all of your brand’s social networks is bad practice. This is because each social media platform is different and as such will have different set of guidelines which are considered ‘best practice’. We suggest using original content and messaging for each platform but keeping a consistent theme throughout. For example, if you are promoting ‘50% off all Beauty lines’ then it could be a good idea to have different product images on your Instagram and Facebook with a slightly different caption.

3. DO capitalise on trends:

The best part about social media is that there is almost always a viral trend or conversation which could be relevant for your brand to join in on. It is important for all businesses to pay attention to trending content which appeals to the audience they’re trying to reach and to take part in it, if possible. Captalising on these trends is key and can help push your content to even more users than usual and prompt them to engage with it.

A good example of a brand capitalising on trends is the popular beauty brand – Fenty Beauty. As a makeup brand, the main aim of their social media strategy is to convince customers to purchase and try their products. A popular type of content on TikTok is tutorials. Fenty Beauty utilise TikTok to post makeup tutorials showcase new products and how they apply and wear throughout the day. This has proven to be an effective content strategy for the brand as they tend to see high levels of engagement and build up a lot of positivity around their products.

4. DON’T use poor spelling and grammar within your content:

Human error is normal. However, it is important to take precautions to avoid your brand putting out content or copy with grammar mistakes and spelling errors because it reduces your credibility and looks unprofessional. To avoid this, it is a good idea to create your social media updates offline first in a document or spreadsheet. That way, you are able to proofread them before posting online for your followers to see. There are numerous tools which could be helpful in automating this process and add that extra layer of protection. For example, Grammarly is a great content marketing tool because it also proofreads your copy but also allows you to set your writing goals based on the type of writing you do, making it a useful tool for copy.

5. DO set objectives:

Going viral on Instagram and TikTok is great for your brand. However, it is important you set out some key short term and long term objectives to understand what your business wants to achieve from your social media strategy. It is good to think ahead and be aware of what you want to do with the engagement you see from your followers.

For example, in terms of potential short term objectives for a clothing brand, you could be having a flash sale and as such, would want to focus on using social media to boost sales. In terms of longer term objectives, as part of your digital marketing strategy you may want to use social media to build up awareness and establish yourself as a credible brand with an engaging online presence.

6. DON’T excessively use Hashtags:

A common misconception about social media platforms, in particular Instagram, is that using a #hastag with each sentence will push your content out more. This could not be further from the truth. Excessive use of #Hashtags is one of the most unprofessional and irritating practices and its worth avoiding. Using appropriate hashtags connects your post to related posts but it should be used, within reason, for this purpose only. Instagram’s algorithm has changed over the years and posts with too many hashtags actually seem to be less favoured by the platform and by audiences.

This is where understanding each platform and what works is important. Research how many hashtags are appropriate to include in posts on different social media platforms and use this information to influence your decision. Opting for less but niche hashtags instead of several generic ones is that it will be more likely to help you reach your desired audience and will result in more exposure.


To conclude, we hope this gave you some insight into 6 do’s and don’ts when using social media in digital marketing. Incorporating social media into your digital marketing strategy is key for a successful online presence and will help you boost this in a productive and effective way.

Pursuing a Digital Marketing Level 3 Apprenticeship would introduce you to the basics of using Social Media as part of a digital marketing strategy and also help you kick-start your career within the industry that is constantly growing.

More information on this apprenticeship can be found here. Alternatively, check out our range of useful articles and blog posts here to find a suitable Digital apprenticeship for you.

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How to use social media trends to your advantage

Social media has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes and industries. Not only can it be used to connect with customers and promote products or services, but it can also provide valuable insights into industry trends and consumer behavior. By keeping an eye on social media trends, businesses can improve their marketing strategies, product development, and overall operations.

a mobile phone screen with various social media apps
New trends can be found across all social media

Where to start

One way that businesses can use social media trends to improve their operations is by monitoring customer sentiment. Social media platforms provide an unprecedented level of access to customer feedback, and businesses can use this data to gain insights into what their customers are saying about their products or services. By monitoring sentiment on social media platforms, businesses can identify areas where they need to improve and make changes accordingly.

Another way that businesses can use social media trends to improve their operations is by identifying new opportunities. Social media platforms are constantly evolving, and new features and functionalities are added regularly. By keeping an eye on new developments, businesses can identify new opportunities to reach their target audience or improve their products or services. For example, the rise of video content on social media platforms has led to an increase in the use of video in marketing campaigns, which can be a powerful way to reach and engage with customers.

Social media trends can also be used to improve business marketing strategies. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are all popular among younger audiences, and businesses can use these platforms to reach these audiences with targeted marketing campaigns. Additionally, social media analytics tools can be used to track the performance of marketing campaigns and identify which strategies are most effective.

Stay up to date

hand pointing with pen to social media analytics page
Social media analytics

Businesses can also use social media trends to improve their products and services. By monitoring conversations on social media platforms, businesses can identify areas where their products or services are falling short or where there is a gap in the market. This information can then be used to inform product development or to identify opportunities to expand into new markets.

Social media trends can also be used to improve customer service. Many customers now turn to social media platforms to voice their complaints or ask for help. By monitoring social media platforms, businesses can identify issues and respond to them quickly, preventing negative sentiment from spreading.

Always keep monitoring your platforms

However, it is important to keep in mind that social media trends are constantly evolving, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Businesses need to be proactive in monitoring and adapting to these trends in order to stay ahead of the curve. This requires dedicating resources to social media monitoring, such as hiring a social media specialist or investing in analytics tools.

In conclusion, social media trends can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve their operations, marketing strategies, products, and services. By keeping an eye on social media trends, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer sentiment, identify new opportunities, and make data-driven decisions. However, businesses need to be proactive in monitoring and adapting to these trends in order to stay ahead of the curve. With the right approach, social media can be an invaluable resource for businesses looking to improve their bottom line.

Head to ApprentceTips.com to find more useful articles, and apply to our level 3 marketing apprenticeship to kick start your career.

5 key ways to smash your Paid Social Advertising!

Are you starting out your career in paid social advertising and are daunted by the complex nuances of social media? Worry no longer, read this guide to find out how to smash your advertising.

Colleagues working on a marketing strategy
Colleagues working on a marketing strategy

Is Paid social advertising worth it?

Paid Social advertising are sponsored ads that run on social media. Brands pay money to run these ads on these platforms to reach users specific to their objective and target audience.

By using Paid Social advertising, it gives your brand a guaranteed reach as you’re essentially paying for your target audience’s attention. Through paid social, you can set up specific target audiences to best accompany the objective of your campaign whilst supporting your organic social media campaigns long-term.

5 key steps into running a successful paid social campaign

1. Pick the right social media platforms to run your ads on

There are so many social media networks to choose from, however choosing the right platform to advertise your ads on can be tricky.

Facebook/Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms with over 2 billion active users, which makes this platform great for awareness and creating a brand presence. This accompanied with its audience targeting and various content placements make this a great starter platform!

Snapchat, a Gen-Z dominated app, is where users post and engage with short-form videos which makes it perfect to advertise using the Snap Ads/Commercials placements. Snapchat also offers Filters/AR Lens which brands can use to incorporate their business.

Twitter, the platform for conversation around topics, can be great when using keyword targeting as this puts your ads within the key conversations taking place in real time.

Lastly is TikTok, which although is a new platform, it has risen in the ranks of social media popularity tenfold! As this is also a Gen-Z dominated app, brands can instantly connect with the next generation of consumers with trending short-form videos which makes it great at driving awareness and conversions.

2. What is the objective of your campaign?

To consider the objective of your campaign, first you need to decide what your business goals are.

  • Awareness – shows your ads to people who are most likely to remember them
  • Engagement – gets more video views, messages, or post engagement
  • Traffic – sends people to an online destination such as a website or app
  • Leads – collects leads for your brand
  • App Promotion – find new people to install your app and continue to use it
  • Purchases – find people who are likely to purchase your products or services
3. What KPIs will you be measuring for success?

A key performance indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that is used track success. Some options to measure are:

  • Cost-per-Thousand Impressions (CPM) is the amount you pay for every 1,000 impressions your ad receives.
  • Cost-per-Click (CPC) is the actual price you pay a publisher every time an online user clicks on your ad.
  • Click-Through-Rate (CTR) is the percentage of people who click on your ad/url over the number of impressions made.
  • View-Through-Rate (VTR) is the percentage of completed views of a skippable ad over the number of initial impressions.
4. What are the best creatives and copy for this campaign?

Take some time to research the perfect creatives and copy for your ads. By using Facebook Ad Library, you can spend some time browsing other ads that your competitors may be running but make sure to be original and not to copy! Take note of what creatives jump out at you, and how ‘good’ ads speak to their customers.

5.Track your paid social campaign with analytics

Lastly, tracking your paid social analytics really determines if your campaigns was a success or not. By using the platforms ad reporting tool, you can deep-drive into your campaign’s performance and understand whether you saw an ROI for your campaigns and opportunities to optimise future campaigns.

Now it’s time to try it yourself!

Remember paid social, like a lot of other marketing channels, takes time and practice so don’t worry if you don’t see results the first time. There’s so much to learn so make sure you keep up to date with industry news and sign up to our newsletter!

Read more on our digital apprenticeships and tips here.

How to create the perfect social media page

Phone showing good social media page

Are you a digital marketing apprentice looking after a social media page? This is the guide for you!

Creating a strong social media platform is key in the modern world – a good page can help you stand out from the crowd, whilst a bad one can turn off your potential customer/client base.

There are many different platforms you can utilise: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Snapchat and Pinterest, to name a few. You may want to focus your efforts on a select few that meet your brand goals the best.

But how do you make your social media page look good and perform well? Here are our 10 top tips!

1. Use original content on your social media page

Stock imagery is a beneficial resource for social media, but a page looks even more personalised with original imagery. Taking regular pictures and videos can garner more interest and actually show off what your page is about. You can also use your tagged content – just ensure you credit the original poster!

2. Keep up with trends

It’s an ever-changing world in social media, so keeping up with trends is vital – for example, TikTok is one of the fastest growing social media platforms, with more than a billion active users in 2022, so this could be a tool for you to explore. Also keeping up to date with current affairs makes your page stand out, where relevant – talking about last night’s awards ceremony could engage people whilst it’s still fresh in their mind. 

3. Don’t neglect video content

The rise of TikTok has pushed the focus onto video content, with Instagram/Facebook following suit with their reels. Video content often has a greater reach, so don’t forget to add these to your page. However, keep it short and snappy – most of these are short form videos, which are less than a minute long! An easy way to create video content is via Canva, which you can upgrade to Pro for more features.

4. Use all the features available on apps

As well as feed posts, stories can supplement your account and offer users a new way to interact with you – this is also a simple way to link back to your website! If you have a shop, linking it to social media can eliminate a step when customers want to buy from you. 

5. Keep in mind which platform you are on

A funny video may be appropriate for TikTok, but might not fit the tone of LinkedIn. Whilst there may be some crossover, adapting your posts for individual platforms is essential. Don’t be afraid to have fun where possible though! A page that posts memes, humorous captions and topical content is more likely to get noticed.

Picture of food for social media page

6. Use a scheduling platform

This means you can plan your posts ahead to save time, and schedule for an optimum time when most of your followers are active. Meta Business Suite is a scheduling tool on Facebook which also can post to Instagram, or you can use Hootsuite to post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. These platforms also highlight when there is a spelling or grammatical error, so you can correct this before a post is published.

7. Keep in mind your social media page’s audience

Having a good idea of your audience means you can tailor content to fit them. You can use Facebook Insights, for example, to get an idea of your demographic. This can also affect which platform you use – data shows people aged 35-44 use Facebook the most, whilst people aged 16-34 are more likely to use TikTok.

Geographical location is another key factor – there’s no point in talking about summer essentials when most of your audience is in winter!

8. Engage with your audience

Posting interesting and informative posts is essential, but how can you get your audience involved? Some ways include polls and questions on stories, or encouraging people to comment e.g. “Which is your favourite?” You could even incentivise them with a competition or giveaway!

It is also beneficial to make sure you are regularly answering customer enquiries, whether that be through comments or direct messages. Keep it personal though – nobody wants to feel like they’re talking to a bot.

9. Post regularly on your social media page

A page that posts daily is more likely to gain engagement than a page that only posts weekly. Plus, you want to create a pattern that is realistic long term – don’t put out 10 posts in your first week then post nothing the next week.

You may also want to increase the amount of posts around key events. This could be during a social media campaign or on a key calendar date, like Christmas.

10. Use hashtags sparingly

At one time, using multiple hashtags was the best way to expand your audience. Nowadays, this can actually be seen as spam! When using hashtags, add 3-5 as this is what was recommended by Instagram in 2021. Ensure these are tailored to your business (don’t just use general hashtags). You may even want to create a hashtag for your brand, so other users can easily tag their posts in it!

These are just 10 of our top tips for creating a successful social media page, but the most important thing is to show off your unique selling point! Being creative and representing who you are is what ultimately will make your page stand out.

For more tips on working with social media successfully in your digital marketing role, take a look at more of our posts here.

5 ways to use short-form videos in your social strategy

Image of TikTok site

Short-form videos are becoming increasingly popular and used in nearly every social media channel as a useful method way of marketing your content. Whilst creating this content sounds easy, creating unique and engaging content can be a challenge. We’ve created this handy guide to how you can market your content to get the most out of your posts.

What are short-form videos?

Short-form content is exactly what you would expect – video content that is shorter than your average video, typically two minutes or less. This type of content is utilised by businesses on platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram. The main aim of this type of content is to encourage the user to engage with the brands, through liking and subscribing or even to create User-generated content.

What are the different types of short-form videos

Short form videos can easily integrate into your social media plan, whether it’s a product launch or brand awareness you’re wanting to achieve, here are a few ways in which this can be done.

Trends and challenges

TikTok is the best channel for a brand to show its personality. Through trending music, themes and pre-recorded sounds, Tiktok trends are changing daily. TikTok is a platform in which being first to a trend can result in engagement. Whilst the platform also gives you and your audience the opportunity to create content together in the form of Duets and challenges. Perfect for any company looking to show a lighter side to their workplace, this is certainly worth incorporating into your social content plan.

Similarly, YouTube shorts can also be utilised in the same way in this same way allowing you to incorporate challenges into your branding and provide a light-hearted look to your brand.

Product launches

Perfect for providing a first look or reveal of a product, video shorts can be a perfect way for people to find out about your brand. Video Shorts can also be used to provide small teaser videos leading up to the product’s initial launch. This could be incredibly useful and a great way to heighten anticipation for the audience if done well.

Platforms such as TikTok and Instagram would be the perfect choice for this and a great way to gain insight into what customers think through the comments. You can also use this to inform plans for your social campaign, and include it in your social media strategy.

image example of 'a day in the life'

A day in the life

TikTok is a perfect way to implement this within your social plan. Similar to challenges and trends ‘A day in the life’ TikTok video short can be incredibly useful for building connections with your audience. Allowing your audience to see the behind-the-scenes of what happens in the headquarters of their favourite brand on a daily basis.

By incorporating this type of content into your plan you are giving the audience unique content and value, making them feel like they’re getting inside access to the company.

This type of content will also spark the interest of people unaware of your company making the viewer want to continue watching to find out more.

Ads and influencers

This is a great way for you to create brand awareness. By teaming up with influencers and having them include your product or service in their content, you can reach your existing fan base and also tap into the influencers’ fan base. This type of short-form video content allows you to easily create a relationship and association with the new audience due to the trust that they have in the influencer themselves.

Educational videos  

Linkedin and Instagram are perfect tools to deliver educational videos. Allowing you to break down information into important points to deliver a certain message. The short-form nature of these videos will keep the viewer watching. This type of content makes the information easier to consume.

Will you be implementing short-form video into your strategy?

In conclusion, short-form video is a trend and one that many marketers are benefiting from by incorporating into their social media plans. Short-form videos come in many different forms and can be a great way to inform the audience about your brand and create a good brand image.

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Digital Marketing Apprenticeship – Top tips

Are you interested in learning about digital marketing and getting experience in the industry?
Then a digital marketing apprenticeship may be for you.

Jobs and entry criteria

The entry requirements can differ from each employer, however to apply, you will need at least a grade 4/C in Maths and English.

The digital marketing apprenticeship provides opportunities for an apprenticeship to learn the skills required to perform typical marketing roles. The set of skills and knowledge developed on this apprenticeship is highly sought after in the job market. It provides an excellent start in the industry. The average annual salary for a marketing executive in the UK is £27,000.

The apprenticeship is 15 months long, and you will earn 3 qualifications. This includes the Digital Marketing Level 3 apprenticeship standard, the BCS Principles in Coding and Marketing Principles and the Google Analytics IQ.

Digital Marketing, Typewriter,

Key responsibilities of a digital marketing apprentice

The primary role of a digital marketer is to execute campaigns, analyse them and optimise for better results. Digital marketers are typically involved with planning and building campaigns, based on briefs.

They can work across a variety of paid, owned and earned channels including paid or organic search, affiliate marketing, programmatic marketing and social media.

Digital marketers monitor the performance of campaigns to ensure they deliver the best results based on the main objectives and goals. They do this by establishing key performance indicators – these are metrics related to the objective that help them know if their campaigns are on the right track.

As a digital marketer, you will have a good understanding of the basics of marketing such as the marketing funnel, customer lifecycle and SMART goals. In addition to this, you will understand how to use a range of analytical tools and different advertising platforms.

For more information on this job role visit https://www.apprenticetips.com/.

Digital marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, pay per click marketing, google analytics, content marketing

Core competencies

As part of your job role, you will carry out duties that will satisfy 13 competencies, which ensure you have the knowledge and skills of a digital marketer. Some examples are:

Implementation – this is to build and implement digital campaigns. To do this you will need to take the brief from the planning stage to the activation.

Digital Analysis – this is showing that you can measure and evaluate the success of your digital marketing activities. By doing so, you can make recommendations for optimisations.

Research – this is showing that you can analyse and contribute to the digital environment short and long term. There are different types of research carried out for different channels.

My top tips for meeting the competencies

Figuring out how to meet these competencies can be overwhelming. Here are my top tips for ensuring that you do. 

Be clear on what they are 

Throughout your apprenticeship, you will have many opportunities to meet different competencies. However, if you don’t know what competencies you need to meet, you will not be collecting evidence for them along the way. My advice is to have a basic understanding of each one and what you need to do to meet them. Try to summarise them, like I did above.

Gather evidence from the beginning

One thing that really helped me get my portfolio started was gathering evidence for my competencies as early as possible. I would initially break down my portfolio into the competencies and provide the evidence for each corresponding skill, as I met them.

Then, I would rearrange the slides to make them cohesive and aesthetically pleasing. Over time, you will begin to view your projects and tasks through the lens of the competencies. It also makes you feel accomplished, to have evidence that you are improving and becoming the digital marketer you aspire to be.

Ask for help

Worried that you won’t be able to meet a competency because of the nature of your role in your company and team? Then speak to your line manager or coach as soon as possible. They will work with you to find a solution so that you can pass the end point assessment!

Check out https://www.prospects.ac.uk/jobs-and-work-experience/job-sectors/marketing-advertising-and-pr/marketing-apprenticeships to find out more about marketing apprentices in the UK.

The Ultimate Guide to Paid Social Advertising

Starting your career in Paid Social advertising? Read this and you’ll be an expert in no time.

What is Paid Social advertising?

Paid social advertising, in simple terms, refers to social media ads. Brands pay money to these platforms and in return have their advertisements displayed to users, depending on their target audience.

How to create a Social Media ad

Here are a few things to keep in mind when planning a social campaign:

Which social platform will you run with?

Starting with Facebook/Instagram/Meta – this is one of the most popular social media platforms, with almost 2 billion daily active users. This makes your presence on here essential! The optimisation and targeting tools that the platform encompasses set it apart from other platforms.

Next up is Twitter, a platform where people are constantly sharing opinions around trending topics. This makes it extremely valuable, especially when using keyword targeting – which places your ads throughout those conversations, gaining reach beyond your audience.

TikTok – the new platform that continues to grow with popularity. Businesses are really able to show their brand personality and increase positive reputation through trending content. The app holds great purchase and awareness influence.

Another option is Snapchat, where users share and engage with short form videos, capturing the younger demographic. However, their main USP is the ability to incorporate AR lenses to promote your business.

Finally, we have Pinterest. A platform based around inspiration (cooking, fashion, DIY) – the bookmarking style design of the app means ads sit seamlessly and naturally within content. It’s a great place for people to discover, curate and purchase.

HubSpot Marketing video

What objective will you choose for your social campaign?

Before you chose your objective, consider what your business goals are!

  • Awareness = reach the largest amount of people who are most likely to remember your ad
  • Traffic = increase traffic to an online destination
  • Engagement = find people more likely to engage with your online business and take desired actions
  • Leads = collect leads for your business via messages, phone calls or sign ups
  • App promotion = get people to install or take a specific action within your app
  • Sales = find people likely to purchase your goods or services

More detail here.

Which paid social KPI’s will you measure?

KPI’s are measurable metrics that reflect performance, here are a few popular ones:

  • Click-through rate (CTR)

Percentage of people who viewed your post and clicked on the CTA.

  • Conversion rate (CR)

Number of people who perform the actions outlined in your CTA (make a purchase, visit a web page) compared to the people that click on that post.

  • Cost per click (CPC)

Amount you pay per individual click on your advertisement.

  • Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)

Amount you pay per every time 1,000 people see your post.

More detail here.

Now practice!

Now it’s time for you to practice – remember practice makes perfect. There’s so much more to learn so make sure you’re keeping up to date with industry news and sign up to our newsletter!

Links for industry news: Marketing Week, Marketing Dive, Campaign Live

Social media marketing do’s and don’ts

If you want to start a lucrative, versatile career with lots of transferable skills and exciting job opportunities – a career in social media marketing is a promising route to pursue. This article will cover social media marketing as a career and the do’s and don’ts to follow if you’d like to move into the industry. 

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is a type of marketing and advertising that is carried out through digital communications only in order to sell or promote a product or service. Social media marketing can be split into two parts, organic and paid. Each with their different strategies for growth, tools and platforms that can be used. An example of an organic social media marketing tactic could be a short-form content strategy. On the paid side, an example could be a Facebook ad campaign. 

Companies across lots of industries in multiple sectors use social media marketing tactics to provide leads and boost revenue. In light of the recent boost in the use of digital tools, apps and services, lots of companies notably in the tech industry are in need of a new generation of social media marketers  Gen Z and millennial audience knowledge of references and trends to market their products. 

A variety of specialisms in social media marketing are currently on the rise including short-form content marketing and virtual reality marketing. After gaining work experience in one or multiple social media marketing specialisms, it’s possible to transfer to different industries and access a variety of working roles with competitive salaries. 

DO: Keep up with current trends

Social media is constantly changing. The most popular apps and the trends and styles of posting on each can change weekly or even daily in the short-form video space. Social media apps like Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat are constantly releasing new features that social media marketers can use to their advantage so keeping up to date with these is essential for long-term success.

DON’T: Dismiss new apps and tools in the early stages

With TikTok’s recent boom, it’s now one of the most visited apps globally with a user base of 1 billion. 5 years ago, TikTok was practically unknown amongst professional industries and branded as a children’s dancing app. Now companies are rushing to hire social media marketers and TikTok experts to succeed on the successful platform. 

DO: Start building your own presence online

Although not essential to land a role in social media marketing, if you’re applying for your first role especially an online presence will help tremendously. A following online on a personal account acts almost as a portfolio that job applicants can show to employers, physically proving they’ve got the marketing skills to create a successful social media profile and maintain it over time. Perhaps in your spare time you’re a fabulous cook or a fashion mogul, whatever it is there’s a space for you on social media to build a following and hone your craft.

If you don’t have this or don’t want to appear in front of cam, you could create a portfolio of social media strategies and post examples that you’ve planned/ designed yourself. 

DON’T: Niche down too much into one area

It’s great if you’re an expert in a niche field like short-form or B2B social media platforms like LinkedIn, but try and broaden your horizons as much as you can. To echo above, social media trends are always changing and what’s successful and popular now can change quickly. In order to keep progressing your career and going for promotions, get familiar with as many social media platforms and styles of content as you can so you’re prepared to showcase a broad skill-set when you need to. 

Social media marketing professionals gathered around a laptop

DO: Embrace creativity 

Employers are looking for creative and dynamic social media managers, execs, specialists and even entire teams to transform their social media strategies. Stand out from the crowd by getting creative and pushing yourself to try new things. Perhaps it’s an out-there trend or a new video style, keep evolving your style and embracing big ideas. 

DO: Consider getting started with an apprenticeship

If you’re looking to transition into the social media marketing space, a great place to start could be a digital marketing apprenticeship. Across the UK, lots of companies are offering Level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship courses – allowing apprentices to learn on the job and gain a qualification at the same time. Level 3 digital marketing courses cover a broad range of digital marketing techniques over 18 months – including an essential module on social media marketing allowing apprentices to build on a broad range of digital marketing must-have skills. Having the chance to learn and implement social media strategies in real-time in a real workplace is a fantastic chance to hone your craft and gain invaluable work experience needed to progress in the industry. 

A career in social media marketing is an exciting prospect and one that is achievable and accessible with some practical experience and passion for what you do. For more information on social media marketing, click here

Top social media trends for 2023

Social media trends

The rise of social media has also been fueled by the growing use of social media for marketing and advertising, with businesses now able to reach a wide range of consumers at a fraction of the cost of traditional media. Additionally, social media has allowed businesses to engage with their customers in more meaningful ways, enabling them to build relationships and loyalty.

Over the last 5 years, social media has grown at an unprecedented rate and is now a part of everyday life for millions of people around the world. According to Statistica, there are now over 3.8 billion active social media users worldwide, which is an increase of 9% compared to 2020.

In the last 5 years, many of the biggest social media platforms have seen exponential growth, with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all experiencing significant increases in their user bases. This growth has been driven by the increasing popularity of smartphones and mobile devices, which have made it easier than ever for people to access social media on the go.

In the last 5 years, social media has also become an increasingly important platform for businesses. Social media marketing is now an integral part of any company’s marketing strategy, and businesses are increasingly turning to social media to reach their target audience and promote their brand.

Overall, social media is bigger than ever and is continuing to grow with no signs of slowing down. As more and more people turn to social media for news, entertainment, connection, and communication, there is no doubt that it is here to stay and will continue to be an important part of our lives.

The top 10 Social Media Trends for 2023: 

1. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will continue to grow in popularity and be used in social media applications.

2. Chatbots: Chatbots will become increasingly useful in customer service, giving users the ability to find information quickly and efficiently. 

3. Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence (AI) will become more commonplace and be used to help with tasks such as sentiment analysis, content curation, and more.

4. Micro-Influencers: Micro-influencers have been growing in popularity in recent years and this trend is expected to continue.

5. Live Streaming: Live streaming will continue to be popular, with people using it for everything from live events to product demos.

6. User-Generated Content: User-generated content will become increasingly important in social media marketing, as it is seen as more authentic and trustworthy.

7. Social Commerce: Social commerce will grow in popularity, as more businesses use social media to drive sales.

8. Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing will remain popular, as brands look to influencers to help them reach new audiences.

9. Stories: Stories will continue to be popular, as they offer an engaging and immersive way for users to experience content.

10. Advertising: Advertising will continue to play a large role in social media, as companies look to reach users more effectively.

The predicted rise of social media in the next 5 years will be remarkable. Social networks will become more sophisticated in their user experience, better connected to AI and machine learning, and more integrated into everyday life. With the development of 5G, the ability for social media platforms to integrate new features and technologies will expand, leading to an even more immersive, interactive, and engaging user experience. We will also see an increased focus on personalization and privacy, as well as increased use of data to create more targeted and meaningful user experiences. Finally, we can expect to see a significant rise in the use of social media for marketing purposes as well as a continued rise in the use of influencers to help promote products and services. To keep up to date with the latest social media trends subscribe to our newsletter or follow our social media platforms.

Social Media Marketing: The Do’s and Don’ts [2022]

The Do's and Don'ts of Social Media Marketing

Today more than ever, having a social media presence is necessary. Not only do customers expect it, but social media marketing can also help you increase sales. It is also a great tool for learning about your target audience and industry demands.

Social media marketing is an inexpensive, yet effective, way of reaching customers across a range of platforms. With organic social media marketing, you get to understand your followers and find more unique and more effective ways of promoting your brand. In this article, we will discuss the do’s and don’ts of marketing on social media. This will allow you to create an effective and long-term social media strategy even with a limited budget.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing involves using platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and TikTok to effectively reach a wider audience and communicate with outstanding or potential customers.

An effective social media strategy will humanize your brand, drive traffic to your website and establish a reputation that competitors can’t ignore. Depending on your goals, you can also generate leads and sales. Some small businesses even will use social media as their main source of customer service. Meaning that their consumers can message them directly to resolve any issues. There is a range of possibilities on what social media can do for businesses and below are a few tips on the do’s and don’ts of social media marketing.

Social media marketing the do's and don'ts
Social Media Marketing- The Do’s and Don’ts

The Do’s of Social Media Marketing

Do post on social media consistently

A common mistake businesses make when executing their social media strategy is to start all guns blazing and start publishing with an intense posting routine, just to then quickly lose interest and either stop posting as regularly or at all in that matter. This is a recipe for disaster and highlights the need for a posting schedule.

Bulk planning content, to then schedule said posts, makes publishing social media posts a breeze, whilst avoiding the issue of forgetting to post. Tools like Hootsuite and Buffer are recommended as you can schedule posts months in advance. With scheduling tools like these, you have no excuse not to have a stream of regularly published content.

Do find a sustainable publishing frequency

Following on from my previous point, finding a sustainable and effective publishing frequency is perhaps one of the most important aspects of building a brand on social media. There is no rule that the algorithm favours, so you should simply commit to a frequency that you can uphold and sustain long-term.

Do have fun with social media

There is a fine line between business and personal humour when it comes to social media, and it is crucial that businesses get creative. You need a good connotation associated with your brand. Spicing up your social channels by using inoffensive, yet humourous captions or memes, can not only help increase engagement but also your retention rate.

Do use a range of Media

Social media is forever growing. It is imperative that your brand keeps up with the times and this should reflect in your content. Using the same old 3:4 aspect ratio image can get repetitive and may even be missed by your followers. Hence why it is important to involve some degree of variation in your feed.

Video media is increasing in popularity and platforms like TikTok have already taken advantage of this. Because of the amazing interaction, video media has received, other social platforms like Facebook and Instagram and integrated video media wherever they can. For example, Instagram has now favoured reels and they have increased the number of seconds reels and stories can be.

This is why it is so important for your business to produce unique and creative content in a range of media formats.

Do use the right social platform

There are numerous social media platforms available for businesses to use, but just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Here are the main considerations you should think about for each platform:


This platform alone has 2.11 billion users, which means it is a very popular platform for businesses to appear on. Facebook allows businesses to do a range of things activities like, posting a range of media, scheduling posts, setting up a Facebook Shop, create events and incorporating paid advertising. When determining whether or not to be on this platform, you need to think of where your target audience is, because if they’re not on Facebook, chances are you’ll be fighting a losing battle.


Instagram is an aesthetically pleasing platform. Users are encouraged to use a range of media to produce and publish good-looking content. Most businesses are on Instagram as it is a great platform to connect with consumers as well as other businesses. Collaborations and influencer marketing are often seen on this channel. This form of social media marketing has proven beneficial for companies, especially on Instagram. Instagram allows users to post reels, images and stories, set up a shop (linking to their Facebook one) and set up paid campaigns.


This platform is designed to help connect like-minded people to allow them to share thoughts and feelings with a wider audience. Twitter allows users to discover stories regarding world events and news, follow other businesses and profiles and post opinions and relevant information. The platform is a very fast platform and for businesses, it is very easy to get lost. However, with the right strategy, Twitter can be proven very beneficial for brand recognition and customer service.


TikTok is a short-form, video-sharing app that allows users to create and share 15-second videos, on any topic. It is the fastest-growing social media platform ever and it is unlikely that you won’t find competitors there. As a result of TikToks’ clever algorithm, it is the easiest platform to grow a presence on. Also, brands have said they see much more engagement on TikTok compared to other platforms.

This doesn’t mean it’s right for you. You can only include one link on TikTok and that is in your bio. This means actually getting people from the platform to your website is more difficult than normal. TikTok does allow you to run paid ads, which gives you the opportunity to share a page or for consumers to buy directly from the ad. TikTok is very beneficial for brand recognition, but maybe not so much for sales. This is something you will have to consider when choosing to be on the platform or not.

Social Media Marketing- Image showcasing aspects of social media
Social Media Marketing

The Don’ts of Social Media Marketing

Don’t make grammar or spelling mistakes

Successful businesses, with a large social following, will always get a second pair of eyes to look over work before publishing. Grammar or spelling mistakes, take away from the users’ experience and does not prove your brand to be reputable.

Don’t give in to trolls

With a rise in following, businesses are bound to run into trolls. Trolls post inflammatory content with the sole aim to get a rise out of the account. Instead of giving them what they want, you should remain professional and report the account. You do not want to humour these kinds of comments. This will only encourage more and dampen your brand reputation.

Don’t forget about your stories

Stories are there to keep your brand at the top of your follower’s minds. If you do not utilise stories fully, you are not taking full advantage of the tools you have. Stories should be used to share announcements, special events, industry information or product information. They should be interactive and keep within the company’s brand.

Don’t forget your target audience

When bulk planning content, it is imperative to remember who you are catering your content towards. If you lose sight of this, you will lose engagement and retention. Post interactive stories and write open captions so that your followers have the chance to interact with your brand. Promote user-generated content, run competitions and create hashtags to encourage users to talk about your brand, because after all, they are the most important people in this scenario.

Want to pursue a career in social media? Take a look at the Digital Marketer Level 3 course!