Create reports using – Google Analytics / Adobe analytics.

Image of laptop with data analytics.

Within digital marketing, many campaigns are carried out over the course of the fiscal year. Companies want to manage the success of their campaigns and see how well they performed by creating insights on the campaign. One way of measuring campaign performance is by using an analytical report such as google analytics or adobe analytics. These bespoke reports can help identify trends in the market and where your customer base lies. Read my top tips below on what to look out for when creating reports!

Customer database – field/region/category

When creating reports, first identify where you want your data to come from. Within your business first, decide which customers you want to focus on, this can be done by filtering the data by region, customer age, price range, and all sorts of factors. For example, ApprenticeTips could create a report to see which apprenticeships are most common in London. They can then filter this by choosing a level of apprenticeship from level 3 – level 7, this report will then only show data from London and apprentices doing the specific level of apprenticeship chosen. Once you have determined your customer base, you’re ready to work on your report!

KPI – help measure key metrics.

KPI stands for key performance indicators. These are metrics that help measure how successful your marketing campaign is going. Metrics such as open rate, click-through rates, visits, orders, revenues, and conversion rates. These can be used to measure the success of a campaign, when using metrics data can be compared from campaign to campaign to see the growth or decline of the business. ApprenticeTips can use metrics such as views to see how many users are visiting the webpage (

Click-through rates can also be used to measure how many customers are clicking on the content you have provided. For example, if a business sends out an e-mail, they can find out how many customers opened the email and what page they were directed to from the e-mail. Al businesses can create a bespoke report which will measure metrics most useful to the business. An e-commerce business may focus on revenue, orders, and unit metrics when creating an analytical report.

Exporting reports.

When the report has been created, it needs to be exported so It is in a presentable format to the team/business. Reports can be shown as

  • Pie charts
  • Bar charts
  • Tables

There are many ways to showcase the data found from the reports created, tables can be a great way to separate data by region, category, or metrics. For example, a company wanted to measure how much revenue they generated in a specific month. This can be shown in a table with date ranges, products and revenue generated. A tool that can be used to create tables and charts in Microsoft Excel, Excel allows you to showcase data in a simple and effective format which can then be shared with the wider team.

Pulling insights.

Businesses can use google analytics to create insights for the campaigns. Insights can help businesses answer the why question to the success of the campaign. For example, if an e-commerce business sees an increase in views for the month of December, they could conclude that they had offers for Black Friday or Christmas boxing day which is why they saw growth in views for December. By looking at this data they can conclude that views we’re up due to demand for gifts during Christmas. They can also compare data from December last year to data from December this year. This will show the trend of the business YOY (year on year). Insights can be used to create targets and objectives for the business.


Overall, analytical software such as google analytics and adobe analytics are a useful way of looking into a business’s performance. Businesses can use metrics to measure the success of a campaign, these metrics can be compared to previous data to see the growth of the business. Reports can help set targets for the business. If you would like to learn more day-to-day job roles as a Digital Marketer, check out the post on this apprenticeship.

If you are interested in learning more about Google analytics and Adobe analytics, you can click on the links provided to gain more knowledge or reporting analytics.

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