Top Tips for Showing Customer Service in the Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship

When it comes to the coursework projects for the Digital Marketing Apprenticeship, the competencies and behaviours you are expected to demonstrate on the whole look after themselves. Competencies such as Data Analytics, showing specialisms in two of four areas including SEO and PPC, and using digital tools effectively are part and parcel of a marketing apprentice’s day-to-day job. There is one competency that is a bit harder to demonstrate, however, and this is competency number 5 – customer service. This blog will explain how to demonstrate the competency of customer service in the Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship with minimal stress.

Why Is It a Challenge?

In most businesses, marketing and customer service are two different functions. While the two teams will liaise with each other to ensure consistency of messaging and to discuss customer feedback and needs, day-to-day operations are conducted separately. Because of this separation, it is not always easy, especially in larger businesses, for a marketer to involve themselves in customer service. I struggled with this element despite working in a small tech startup.

Customer Service in the Digital Marketing Apprenticeship can be difficult.

So, how can this challenge be overcome?

1: What You Do May already Count as Customer Service

For something you do to qualify as meeting the customer service competency criteria, you must directly engage with the customer. There is a distinct possibility you do this already without necessarily realising it.

For example, many companies will send out customer feedback surveys (this is most likely to be in the form of an NPS survey). As a marketer, you are likely to be involved in all email output, and will have a role in setting up and sending out this survey. In the process of creating this email, if you tailor the thank you message after the customer has submitted their feedback depending on the feedback they have given (i.e. positive or negative), this counts as customer service, as you are telling them that their criticism will be addressed if the feedback is negative, or that you are delighted that they love the product or service if the feedback is positive. It should be said at this point that simply sending newsletters, no matter how segmented the mailing list, is not enough – there must be that additional level of tailored communication directly with the customer.

While this is not the most explicit example of customer service, if you are in a company that has very separate marketing and customer service functions, this is a potentially very good way of collecting evidence of customer service without needing to organise some time with the customer service team.

Social Media

The other area where this can apply is if you are in charge of social media output. It is not uncommon for queries to be raised directly to your employer’s social media accounts – which, in my case, only I had full access too. It was therefore incumbent upon me to respond to them, which I did after discussing the issue with customer service.

Being in charge of social media accounts is also a great way to document evidence of customer service. This is particularly important as the requirements of the course are at least one example of customer service has to be on a social media platform. If your role does not entail you having access to the company social media accounts, or having permission to communicate with customers, an arrangement will have to be made with the customer service team for you to respond to a customer query or two under supervision.

If you are not confident with using social media, we recently wrote an article on using social media during your apprenticeship will help to boost your confidence!

2: Getting Help

Asking for help with customer service.

Depending on your exact day-to-day role and responsibilities, there may not be a chance to demonstrate the required customer service skills without help. If you are concerned that you may not be able to demonstrate the customer service skills you will need to, raise this with your employer and LDC as soon as possible, and an agreement will be reached about having to spend a small period of time with the customer service team to demonstrate this competency.


In short, customer service is the hardest competency to meet in your coursework projects. It is not impossible, however. Course providers are used to it being an issue for apprentices, and it is in the employer’s interest that they ensure you are able to meet all the competencies. Let them know if you think it will be an issue, and you should have few issues demonstrating this competency.