How I use Instagram Reels to increase reach

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and Instagram has become one of the most popular platforms for sharing content. Instagram Reels is one of the newest features on the platform that allows users to create and share short, 15-second video clips. Since its launch, Instagram Reels has quickly become one of the most popular features on the platform, with millions of users creating and sharing their own Reels every day. In this blog post, I’ll be discussing how I use Instagram Reels to increase reach and grow your following.

Utilise Trending Hashtags

Hashtags are an important tool to help your content get discovered on Instagram. By including popular and relevant hashtags in your Reels, you can increase the likelihood that your content will be seen by a wider audience. Make sure to do your research on current trends and popular hashtags that are relevant to your niche, and use them strategically in your Reels.

Instagram reels to increase reach

Create Engaging Content

The most important aspect of a successful Instagram Reel is engaging content. Make sure your Reels are visually appealing and attention-grabbing from the very beginning. Try to come up with creative and unique ideas that will make your Reels stand out from the competition. You can experiment with different formats, such as tutorials, comedic skits, or behind-the-scenes footage.

Use Captions and Trending Reel Sounds

Captions and music can help enhance your Reels and make them more engaging. Use captions to provide context for your Reels, add subtitles, or include a call to action to encourage engagement. Music can also add an extra element of entertainment to your Reels, and can help set the tone for your content. Make sure to choose music that is relevant to your niche and complements your Reels. You can find out more about trending sounds on Instagram reels here.

Instagram reels to increase reach

Collaborate with Other Creators

Collaborating with other creators is a great way to reach a wider audience on Instagram. By working with other creators in your niche, you can tap into their audience and gain exposure to new followers. You can collaborate with other creators by creating joint Reels or by featuring each other’s content in your Reels.

Post Reels Consistently

Posting consistent content is crucial to growing your following on Instagram. Make sure to establish a regular posting schedule for your Reels and stick to it. Consistency not only helps you build a loyal following, but it also signals to the Instagram algorithm that you are an active and engaged user, which can help increase your reach.

In conclusion, Instagram Reels is an incredibly powerful tool for increase your reach on the platform. By utilizing trending hashtags, creating engaging content, using captions and music, collaborating with other creators, and posting consistently, you can take advantage of this new feature to grow your following and connect with a wider audience. Start experimenting with Instagram Reels today and see how it can help you achieve your social media goals!

Achieve your DREAM marketing role with a top company through an apprenticeship!

Do you want to work for Google, Meta or another top company and don’t fancy University? You’ve come to the right place!

What is a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a paid job where the employee learns and gains valuable experiences. Alongside on-the-job training, apprentices spend at least 20% of their working hours completing classroom-based learning with a college, university or training provider which leads to a nationally recognised qualification.

You will complete a Level 3 Digital Marketing course, which consists of a portfolio showcasing all the work and projects you work on. You will also also take exams on the fundamentals of digital marketing and coding, but don’t worry, you will be fully prepared for your exams thanks to the amazing 1:1 training of your personal coach and through group coaching sessions, bootcamps and webinars.

So, you are getting real world marketing experience at some of the best companies in the world, learning new skills and being paid to do it! 

You’ll have no University debt and a great CV at the end of your apprenticeship – sounds great right!

Digital Marketing – What exactly is this?

Digital marketing encompasses all of your marketing activities that take place online. Its influence to engage customers grows every year as more people use the internet to browse, connect and buy.

According to recent studies, the number of people using the internet is 4.95 billion. That’s nearly 63 percent of the world’s population! The increase in mobile use also continues, as 5.31 billion people now use their phones to access the internet.  
That’s a lot of potential customers to reach online and it’s the job of digital marketers to devise and execute digital campaigns that do just that.
This includes not only email, social media, and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel.

This is what your role could look like:

You could be placed in a variety of marketing roles – from Sales and Data Analysts to a Social Media and Product Marketer.
You will work closely with your guide (mentor) in your team and your line manager. You will work collaboratively on campaigns, strategic planning, content creation and execution – developing skills such as communication, presenting, project management, working with stakeholders and more.

By the end of your apprenticeship you will have all the skills required to excel in any role within the marketing industry!

Why should you do a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship?

1. No debt and no need for student loans

With the cost of university increasing each year many are looking for alternative routes to secure their dream roles. An apprenticeship is the perfect alternative. Your employer and the Government pay for your tuition expenses, so you don’t need to take out a student loan. Some apprenticeship programs even offer a relocation bonus if you have to move for your program – pretty great right!

2. On the job experience and therefore more employable

Unlike University, where you sit in a lecture hall and learn skills from someone standing at the front of a class, doing this apprenticeship you will be in the office at your place of work and you can apply what you learn from the apprenticeship straightaway in the workplace. You can collaborate with your team, network, socialise and get exposure to incredible real world marketing opportunities. 

Because you’ll be learning on-the-job with your employer, you’ll gain lots of experience to enhance your CV whilst studying for your level 3 apprenticeship. This gives you an advantage over University graduates from full-time courses, who wouldn’t have had as many opportunities to use what they learnt in the workplace.

3. 1:1 Coaching and Support

You will have the amazing benefit of a 1:1 personal coach who will be with you every step of the way throughout the entire duration of your apprenticeship, from both the training provider and your employer. You’ll also get access to the apprenticeship provider’s student support services and online community network.

Don’t miss out on securing your dream role and kickstarting your digital marketing career – follow us on social media to stay up to date on all upcoming apprenticeship programs. Join our community, ask questions and take the next step to a new career!

Click Here to learn more about Digital Marketing apprenticeships here.

Customer Relationship tips all Digital Marketers should know.

Credit to iStock and PeopleImages

If you’re working in the digital marketing space, building a customer relationship may be more important than you realise. Understanding your relationship with your current and potential customers is a must. With the ever-evolving social media space, we have more opportunities than ever to interact with a potential customer. These Customer Relationship tips may be just the thing to get you started!

Short and Sweet:

When interacting with your public, it’s best to keep it short and sweet. You don’t want to waffle on with a prospective customer. Keep messages short and precise with key information straight away while answering their query.

If you send a message to a customer and it is a long and drawn-out paragraph detailing various things which are unrelated to the original enquiry, you’re going to lose their interest quickly. Keep a message short and concise, you don’t need a large amount of text to be able to effectively help someone. If you have a website with a FAQ page, you can send them there as it will have the answer of their query.

Keep it Professional:

You’re working for a business, so you need to keep messages professional. Don’t open your replies with “What’s up mate” or use words like “innit”. This customer is looking to you as a voice of the business, you need to ensure you speak to them as such.

You want your customer to see you as a professional point of contact. This way in the future they’re more likely to want to enquire with you if you gave them a positive experience when trying to interact with you and your business.

Keep in Touch:

Keep in contact with your customers. If a customer bought an item from you, then send them a quick email asking if it’s working well for them and if they like it. This can then open for questions about the product which you can answer directly for them. Keeping in touch and showing your customer that you care will go a long way in building a relationship with them.

Credit to iStock Photos and Marco VDM

Helpful and Efficient:

A customer is interacting with you in the hopes that you are going to answer a query they have. Failing to do so will have a negative impact on their view of you and the business you work for. Any question you’re sent needs to be responded to, ensuring your brand isn’t falling behind is an important area for digital marketers.

Make sure that your answer is concise and is a direct answer to their question. Customers speaking to you are looking for a full answer to their question, nothing else.

Personalisation is Key:

Customers want to feel like they’re being spoken to, not responded with a generic pasted answer. Simply starting a message with “Hi (Their name)” can go a long way in making your customer feel like you are writing this answer for them instead of selecting a ready-made template.

Make sure to customise your text in a way that will be perfect for them. If someone asks “Do you know how many dog toys you have in stock? But I don’t like red toys” then make sure to give them a selection that fits their criteria or find the total stock count without the red items. Make sure to fulfil the entirety of the request to show the customer you will go out of your way to help them.


As you can see, building strong customer relationships can take a lot of work. Hopefully, these Customer Relationship tips will go a long way in helping you build your brand!

If you’re interested in more information about becoming a Digital Marketer, click here. You can also get in touch with any questions you might have.

Email Marketing – The Do’s & Don’ts

Introduction to Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a way to directly communicate with your prospects and customers and can be a really successful channel which you’ll likely use during the Level 3 Digital Marketer apprenticeship. However, it is essential that it used correctly to optimise it’s effectiveness. We’re here to take you through some do’s and don’ts to help ensure your email marketing campaigns succeed!

Email Marketing spellout


1. Be aware of your target audience

When sending emails to your customers, you should carefully think about who your subscribers are and what you are sending to them. Is the content of the email applicable to them? Will the content add value to these specific subscribers? Will they be interested in what the email is about and react to the content in the desired outcome? Understanding your target audience and their needs will allow you to create content which resonates with your customers and prospects . This will therefore increase engagement and hopefully conversion rates!

2. Personalise your email marketing

Personalised marketing revolves around collecting data on your customers and then creating marketing comms that target these specific customers in a thoughtful, clever way. Personalising elements of your emails including subject header, the body of the content and discounts within your emails allows you to build deeper and more personal relationships with your customers. This is also likely to increase your customer retention rates and we all know that it’s cheaper to retain current customers than acquire new ones.

3. Track your key metrics and conduct A/B tests

Understanding what has and has not been successful in past email campaigns and testing hypotheses about potential improvements you can implement by A/B testing allows you to clearly identify a strategy for your email marketing campaigns moving forward. Metrics which you will find useful when analysing your campaigns include open rates, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, hot clicks and click through rates. In terms of A/B testing, common tests include subject line testing to see what encourages customers to open your emails.

Emails on mobile device


1. Neglect mobile devices

Introduction to Email Marketing

By not making your email marketing compatible with mobile, you’re missing out on reaching a huge audience – emails are very accessible on mobile phones and a high percentage of people now check emails on their phone several times a day. The best way to ensure your emails are mobile-friendly is to create them using a responsive design. This means that your email will look great on any size mobile, tablet or desktop screen size.

2. Send your email before testing

It’s essential that you send a test email internally before deploying your email marketing campaign to real customers and prospects – this allows you to check that all the links work, that images/gifs show up in the correct format and that there are no grammatical errors/that all the copy reads well. Sending emails to prospects and customers with any of these issues will look unprofessional and tarnish your brand reputation.

3. Prevent people from unsubscribing from your email marketing

Not only is it unethical and an annoyance to subscribers, it’s actually against the law to not give customers the option to unsubscribe to your emails! Making it hard for customers to unsubscribe can also damage a customer’s perception of your brand. If you’re worried about unsubscribe rates, it’s worth considering the frequency of your emails, as your mailing list may feel like they are being bombarded.

For more useful digital marketing tips relating to the Level 3 – Digital Marketer standard, click here.

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